Need help implementing PHP sessions in suPHP

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-01 12:26:21


I asked this question before here but user CheekySoft pointed out that I was "asking how to implement my proposed solution" where instead I should just "state my problem and ask for solution ideas". So here goes.

On the linux server I have the files set up like so

├──  user1
│   ├── [-rwx------]  index.html
│   └── [-rwx------]  index.php
└──  user2
    ├── [-rwx------]  index.html
    └── [-rwx------]  index.php

If I have Apache virtual hosts set up at

<Directory /home/user1>`
<Directory /home/user2>

Then [any] user can go to or However, the permissions on those files are 0700, therefore, they are inaccessible over the web. It is for this reason that I am using suPHP.

For the sake of argument, lets say index.php has only the following in it


echo file_get_contents('index.html');

Now, with suPHP set up, user1 can go to to view index.html. Likewise, user2 can go to to view index.html. However, user1 can also go to to view user2's index.html page, and vice versa for user2.

The natural way to deal with this is through PHP sessions. All requests to a page are redirected to a main page (ie., the user is validated against the database, and then redirected to the correct page (see image below).

The users would go to a page (ie., and then there would be a portion of page 1 hard coded to ensure a valid session exists. If it exists, the page is loaded. If it does not exist, the user is redirected to, in this case, index.html. After they login and a valid session is established, they are redirected back to the original page. We can modify index.php to carry this out:


//this is purely pseudo code, I can't guarantee it will work
require_once 'Session_Validator.php';
$sv = new Session_Validator();
$sv->validate($un, $pwd);

echo file_get_contents('index.html');

However, In my design, these pages (page1.html, page2.html...) are in the users own directory (index.html, index.php), therefore, the server can't demand that they have this hard coded section checking for a valid section. The user can simply edit the file to remove out this section. Of course this would be stupid on the user's part, but I don't want the user to have to modify every single one of their files to have a session check section at the top. I want this to be seamless.

A few notes:

  1. I can use Apache to redirect all requests to a single validateUser.php script which, validates the user then, if valid, calls the original script requested. However, this has the side effect that suPHP has now already switched to a user, most likely var-www
  2. I do not want to use Apache web login authentication

Can anyone provide a solution to my problem?


How about creating an apache rewrite rule for all the users and create one single PHP wrapper for all the HTML pages

The RewriteRule could be something like:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/auth
RewriteRule ^(.*) /auth/wrapper.php?uri=$1

And in wrapper.php:

  1. Check if user is validated. If not, redirect to /auth/validate.php?redirect=<where-I-came-from>
  2. If validated, load the file mentioned in uri=<...>

    echo file_get_contents('<...>');

EDIT: You can create symbolic links to the wrapper.php and then set the permissions on the symbolic link to the user. you could do this in the auth folder:

ln -s wrapper.php username1.php
chown -h username1:username1 username1.php

Then you wil get a folder like this:

-r--r--r--. 1 var-www   var-www   15 march   3 12:45 wrapper.php
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 username1 username1 17 march   3 12:47 username1.php -> wrapper.php
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 username2 username2 17 march   3 12:52 username2.php -> wrapper.php
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 username3 username3 17 march   3 12:52 username3.php -> wrapper.php

Please note: The user must be able to read the auth directory To make it even more secure you can put the wrapper.php in a separate directory.

