mapping a string containing xml in BizTalk

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-01 11:14:53

I have tackled a similar issue in a project, where I have a series of 2 mappings (both native xslt).

The first map will map your input document to an intermediate format. This format has one "any" node (instead of the escaped XML node), where eventually, I put in the unescaped XML. I unescape using a C# extension object.
The C# code could just be a wrapper for System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode()

In the second mapping, you can map using plain XPath.

Example Input message:


Intermediate format:


In your second mapping, you could use XPaths like /root/any/root2/myValue/text() without any issue.

Important Note:

If you need to do XSD validation against this intermediate format, this is a good way to do this as well. You would just need to create the appropriate intermediate XSD according to your needs. In my case this was needed, so I had to validate this unescaped format using a receive pipeline execution in an orchestration.
