How are the spacing value of the z dimension and thickness (0018, 0050) different in dicom series?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-01 11:08:31

There is a minimum slice thickness which a scanner can measure. And there is the distance between measurement positions for adjacent slices. And when creating an image, the scanner does not have to measure the next slice exactly one thickness away, it can be less (making some measurement overlap) or more (creating some gaps in measurements). For adjacent voxel centers, you want spacing. Thickness is extra information, usually of little value.

Slices are computed from continuous signals the scanner acquires. You can imagine the computation as kind of an integral or average. In the mathematical model, the slice thickness is infinitely small, but the pixel values are averaged from signals coming from a cuboid around the slice plane.

So slice thickness and distance between adjacent slices are unrelated to each other and may vary independently.

I find this image quite illustrative: (unfortunately it is small)
