Check if app has a notfication using private frameworks?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-01 10:41:18

I believe there are two notifications which looks similar, but internally goes through different execution routes: local notification and remote push notifications.

I don't have exact answer. Couple of ideas, direction, where I would look for:

API's in private framework SpringboardServices

  • Objective C SBSPushStore class
  • Bunch of C API's SBSPush*

There is ApplePushService private framework. I believe it provides a connection through which remote notifications are received.

Also, there is a BulletinBoardService. I believe this one is related to showing the list of notifications. My guess, that it may store notifications.

After looking through the file system I found my answer. To get application notification count for a givin app. Check the plist located at: /var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/applicationState.plist>>SBApplicationBadgeKey
