Vertical gallery in android

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-01 10:26:44


i am developing an app, for which I need a gallery to be set in vertical mode instead of horizontal mode. my question is, is there any possibilities for me to show a vertical gallery kind of widget? Any help is appreciated.


Why dont you create a custom adapter for the listview? If you define a custom adapter with one imageview then it will be same as vertical Gallery view. So once you define this adapter then you will be having 1 imageview per one item so it will look like vertical gallery view.

FYI, here is a listview with image, you can use the same listview, play with it.


you can use a ScrollView which contains some imageView setted to fill_parent , and then you can Scroll them as a vertical Gallery


Ok. so i came to know that vertical gallery in android is not possible with the normal gallery widget. So I tried using Custom Listview with some modifications to change the look of the listview. Now my listview looks exactly like a vertical scrollable gallery.

