
本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-01 09:50:34


上一章我们大致了解了nsqlookupdtcpServer中的IOLoop协议的处理逻辑,里面有提到一个存储nsqdPeerInfo以及topic channel数据信息的RegitrationDB的一些操作方法。今天我们就来讲解一下关于RegitrationDB的操作方法


type RegistrationDB struct {
	sync.RWMutex                               //读写锁用于并发操作
	registrationMap map[Registration]Producers //定义一个一Regitration为key producer指针的slice为value的map

type Registration struct {
	Category string
	Key      string
	SubKey   string
type Registrations []Registration

type PeerInfo struct {
	lastUpdate       int64  //client 心跳包最后接收时间
	id               string //client remote address
	RemoteAddress    string `json:"remote_address"`
	Hostname         string `json:"hostname"`
	BroadcastAddress string `json:"broadcast_address"`
	TCPPort          int    `json:"tcp_port"`
	HTTPPort         int    `json:"http_port"`
	Version          string `json:"version"`

type Producer struct {
	peerInfo     *PeerInfo
	tombstoned   bool
	tombstonedAt time.Time

type Producers []*Producer

func (p *Producer) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s [%d, %d]", p.peerInfo.BroadcastAddress, p.peerInfo.TCPPort, p.peerInfo.HTTPPort)

//producer标记为tombstoned 并记录当前时间
func (p *Producer) Tombstone() {
	p.tombstoned = true
	p.tombstonedAt = time.Now()

func (p *Producer) IsTombstoned(lifetime time.Duration) bool {
	return p.tombstoned && time.Now().Sub(p.tombstonedAt) < lifetime

func NewRegistrationDB() *RegistrationDB {
	return &RegistrationDB{
		registrationMap: make(map[Registration]Producers),

// add a registration key
//添加一个Registration key 如果不存在Map中则将其设置为你一个空的Producer
func (r *RegistrationDB) AddRegistration(k Registration) {
	defer r.Unlock()
	_, ok := r.registrationMap[k]
	if !ok {
		r.registrationMap[k] = Producers{}

// add a producer to a registration
func (r *RegistrationDB) AddProducer(k Registration, p *Producer) bool {
	defer r.Unlock()
	producers := r.registrationMap[k]
	found := false
	for _, producer := range producers {
		if producer.peerInfo.id == p.peerInfo.id {
			found = true
	if found == false {
		r.registrationMap[k] = append(producers, p)
	return !found

// remove a producer from a registration
func (r *RegistrationDB) RemoveProducer(k Registration, id string) (bool, int) {
	defer r.Unlock()
	producers, ok := r.registrationMap[k]
	if !ok {
		return false, 0
	removed := false
	cleaned := Producers{}
	for _, producer := range producers {
		if producer.peerInfo.id != id {
			cleaned = append(cleaned, producer)
		} else {
			removed = true
	// Note: this leaves keys in the DB even if they have empty lists
	r.registrationMap[k] = cleaned
	return removed, len(cleaned)

// remove a Registration and all it's producers
func (r *RegistrationDB) RemoveRegistration(k Registration) {
	defer r.Unlock()
	delete(r.registrationMap, k)

func (r *RegistrationDB) needFilter(key string, subkey string) bool {
	return key == "*" || subkey == "*"

//根据category key subkey查找Registrations
//如果传入的key 或 subkey为*的话则获取所有的registrationMap中所有的registration
//如果key 或 subkey 不为* 的话则 获取具体的registration
//这里实现了类似 * 这个通配符的概念
func (r *RegistrationDB) FindRegistrations(category string, key string, subkey string) Registrations {
	defer r.RUnlock()
	if !r.needFilter(key, subkey) {
		k := Registration{category, key, subkey}
		if _, ok := r.registrationMap[k]; ok {
			return Registrations{k}
		return Registrations{}
	results := Registrations{}
	for k := range r.registrationMap {
		if !k.IsMatch(category, key, subkey) {
		results = append(results, k)
	return results

//根据category key subkey查找所有的Producer
func (r *RegistrationDB) FindProducers(category string, key string, subkey string) Producers {
	defer r.RUnlock()
	if !r.needFilter(key, subkey) {
		k := Registration{category, key, subkey}
		return r.registrationMap[k]

	results := Producers{}
	for k, producers := range r.registrationMap {
		if !k.IsMatch(category, key, subkey) {
		for _, producer := range producers {
			found := false
			for _, p := range results {
				if producer.peerInfo.id == p.peerInfo.id {
					found = true
			if found == false {
				results = append(results, producer)
	return results

//根据producer.peerInfo.id查找所属的registration key
func (r *RegistrationDB) LookupRegistrations(id string) Registrations {
	defer r.RUnlock()
	results := Registrations{}
	for k, producers := range r.registrationMap {
		for _, p := range producers {
			if p.peerInfo.id == id {
				results = append(results, k)
	return results

//依据Registration中的category key subkey,判断是否与Registration匹配
func (k Registration) IsMatch(category string, key string, subkey string) bool {
	if category != k.Category {
		return false
	if key != "*" && k.Key != key {
		return false
	if subkey != "*" && k.SubKey != subkey {
		return false
	return true

//根据category key subkey过滤Registrations
func (rr Registrations) Filter(category string, key string, subkey string) Registrations {
	output := Registrations{}
	for _, k := range rr {
		if k.IsMatch(category, key, subkey) {
			output = append(output, k)
	return output

func (rr Registrations) Keys() []string {
	keys := make([]string, len(rr))
	for i, k := range rr {
		keys[i] = k.Key
	return keys

func (rr Registrations) SubKeys() []string {
	subkeys := make([]string, len(rr))
	for i, k := range rr {
		subkeys[i] = k.SubKey
	return subkeys

func (pp Producers) FilterByActive(inactivityTimeout time.Duration, tombstoneLifetime time.Duration) Producers {
	now := time.Now()
	results := Producers{}
	for _, p := range pp {
		cur := time.Unix(0, atomic.LoadInt64(&p.peerInfo.lastUpdate))
		if now.Sub(cur) > inactivityTimeout || p.IsTombstoned(tombstoneLifetime) {
		results = append(results, p)
	return results

func (pp Producers) PeerInfo() []*PeerInfo {
	results := []*PeerInfo{}
	for _, p := range pp {
		results = append(results, p.peerInfo)
	return results


到这里我们讲解了nsqlookupdtcpServer的全部代码了,我们了解了nsqlookupd是用来发现并记录nsqd服务相关的remot address tcp端口 http 端口等信息 以及 相应的topicchannel信息的功能,这样好方便消费查询相应的topicchannelnsqd服务链接信息,已实现对nsqd进行拓扑管理的功能。




NSQ系列之nsqlookupd代码分析二(初识nsqlookupd tcpServer)

NSQ系列之nsqlookupd代码分析三(详解tcpServer 中的IOLoop方法)

