I'm using the Facebook Android SDK to post a share from my Android app, setting the link to the Google Play url but I want to fill in my own description to be displayed. My description shows up in my preview when I'm posting from my app, but when it gets displayed all that shows is "GET IT ON GOOGLE PLAY" and my description has disappeared.
I am modifying code taken from the Facebook share tutorial included in the SDK (currently using version 3.19.0), here is the ShareDialogBuilder code:
private FacebookDialog.ShareDialogBuilder createShareDialogBuilderForLink() {
return new FacebookDialog.ShareDialogBuilder(this)
.setDescription("Here is my description that I want included in the post.")
I use Facebook SDK 4.0 and this method works fine
if (ShareDialog.canShow(ShareLinkContent.class)) {
ShareLinkContent linkContent = new ShareLinkContent.Builder()