How should I handle importing third-party libraries within my script?

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-01 04:51:47

I'm ignoring licensing issues in this answer. You definetly need to take these into account before you really do a release.

Is it acceptable to rely on third-party libraries like this in

Yes, it is acceptable but generally these should be minimized, especially if these are modules which have no obvious use for the end-user. Noone likes to have packages they don't need or use.

what is the recommended approach to using them?

There are basically 3 options:

  • Bootstrap them (for example use pip to programmatically install packages). For example setuptools provides an file that can be used to bootstrap setuptools. Maybe that can be customized to download and install appdirs.

  • Include them (especially if it's a small package) in your project. For example appdirs is basically just a single file module. Pretty easy to copy and maintain in your project. Be very careful with licensing issues when you do that!

  • Fail gracefully when it's not possible to import them and let the user install them. For example:

        import appdirs
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError('this package requires "appdirs" to be installed. '
                          'Install it first: "pip install appdirs".')

You can mention install_requires with the dependencies list. Please check the python packaging guide here. Also you can provide a requirements.txt file so that it can be run at once using "pip install -r"

You could use pip to install the package programmatically if the import fails:

    import appdirs
except ImportError:
    import pip
    pip.main(['install', 'appdirs'])
    import appdirs

In some circumstances you may need to use importlib or __import__ to import the package after pip.main or referesh the PATH variable. It could also be worthwhile to include a verification if the user really wants to install that package before installing it.

I used a lot of the examples from "Installing python module within code" and I haven't personally tried used this in files but it looks like it could be a solution for your question.
