SQL Server 2008 Express Edition - how to create a sequence

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-01 04:23:45

SQL Server 2008 doesn't know sequences yet - that'll be introduced in SQL Server 2012 (f.k.a. "Denali").

For pretty much the same result, use an INT IDENTITY column instead:

CREATE TABLE dbo.YourTable

The IDENTITY column is automatically filled by SQL Server at the time you insert a new row into the table. SQL Server makes sure it's monotonically increasing, starting at 1, increasing by 1 (you can set these to different values, if needed).

Basically, when inserting a row into such a table, you must not specify the IDENTITY column in your list of columns to insert values into - SQL Server will do this for you automatically.

Sequence objects are new with SQL Denali, SQL Server 2012 Here is some sample codes http://www.kodyaz.com/sql-server-2012/number-of-sequences-in-sql-server-2012-using-sequence-objects.aspx for sequence objects in SQL 2012

You can find a sequence table implemantation for SQL Server 2008 here : http://www.kodyaz.com/t-sql/sql-server-instead-of-trigger-with-sequence-table.aspx
