
How to install SQL Server 2008 Express with Inno Setup?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-05-10 03:37:53
问题 anyone have script or procedures to install SQL Server 2008 Express, set up the database for the app and finally install a client .NET WinForm application? 回答1: In situations like this where I'm relying on third-party products (SQL Server Express), I tend to use command-line driven installs (either directly in a cmd file or called from a 'proper' install tool). This site shows you how to install Express from the command line, then you can use the SQL Express utility for object creation. This

Services not visible in SQL Server Configuration Manager

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-24 21:50:08
问题 I have installed SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express 32 bit. I have installed it successfully but when I try connect with SQL Server I am getting an error Then I thought to turn the services ON from SQL Server Configuration Manager but I am not able to see any Also my SQL Server Configuration Manager shows some corrupt as below: 回答1: Download and install SQL Server database engine. Here is the link https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads Express edition will be

facing error while creating setup in visual studio 2017

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-15 11:47:08
问题 A dialog window relating to SQL Management Studio appears with the following Please wait while Windows configures SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 Management Studio. On top of that dialog window a further dialog window appears with: 0: Watson 1: 1304 2: STreamSupportFiles 3:streamBinaryToDisk 4:5 5:e:\sql10_main_t\sql\setup\darmwin\sqlcastub\streamca.cpp 6:238 7:sqlcastub.dll 8:sqlrun.msi above error facing while creating setup in visual studio 2017, when i click ok then error message come access

Unable to open the physical file failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-03 04:58:08
问题 I have developed and website as for my assignment purpose and then my teacher asked me that he doesn't have SQL Server to run separately my database file so I must have to make built in database. I then added the .mdf file to the App_data folder and used this connection string: <add name="dbCanberraConnectionString1" connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|latestcanberra.mdf;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> in web.config .

Can I use datasource=.\\SQLEXPRESS or do I need to now use: machinename\\SQLEXPRESS

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-02 06:07:17
问题 Can I still use datasource=.\SQLEXPRESS or do I need to change it to : machine_name\SQLEXPRESS for a local instance of SQL Server 2008 Express in C#? My connection string worked fine in SQL Express 2005, but with the same settings no longer works for 2008. 回答1: Assuming the instance name is indeed SQLEXPRESS , using .\SQLEXPRESS will work locally. Use the SQL Server Configuration Manager to find out the correct instance name. 回答2: What is the final purpose of the app as it more conventional

Including a named instance of SQL Server 2008 Express with my application

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-01-01 12:06:27
问题 Good morning, all. This is my first question on stackoverflow, so hopefully this isn't something that's been beaten to death and I haven't been able to find it. I'm developing an application that is going to be distributed shrinkwrapped. We have gotten the rights to distribute SQL Server 2008 Express Edition with our application, but exactly HOW to do this is a little more difficult. Right now we're using a standard Visual Studio setup project, and I was obviously hoping for something very

Can I get sql profiler for sql2008 for free?

孤人 提交于 2020-01-01 04:06:24
问题 Is it possible to get sql profiler for sql2008 for free or you have to have a license to get it? i.e. it won't work with sql express 回答1: First. SQL Profiler does work with SQL Express . Second. You can get SQL Profiler with the Developer version of SQL, which is included with all MSDN licenses. However you will not be able to get it for free with SQL Express like you can with SSMS. 回答2: You can get SQL Profiler with the Developer version of SQL. But how is written three answer before: SQL

Save password for ODBC connection to MS SQL server from MS Access 2007

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-28 06:16:05
问题 I am in charge for migrating old Access 2007 project to MS SQL server 2008 Express. The first stage is to move all the data from MS Access database to SQL server while keeping the Access forms and reports at the client. So, the data are now moved, an SQL server user (for accessing only that particular database) created, and the tables are linked the Access database via ODBC connection. However, there's one nuisance that should be somehow solved: the Access regularly asks for the user password

How Create DataBase in SqlServer2008 Express With Code Lines

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-24 20:11:37
问题 I Work on C# Project (WinForm) I Install Sql Server 2008 Express On Client PC. in Start Of My Program Must Create a Database. So I Use This Code For Create a Database: string sqlCreateDBQuery; SqlConnection tmpConn = new SqlConnection(@"SERVER =.\SQLEXPRESS; Trusted_Connection = yes;DATABASE = master;"); sqlCreateDBQuery = " CREATE DATABASE " + DatabaseName + " ON PRIMARY " + " (NAME = " + DatabaseName + ", " + " FILENAME = '" + @"C:" + @"\" + DatabaseName + ".mdf" + "', " + " SIZE = 3MB," +