Running celeryd_multi with supervisor

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-01 04:09:16

Reply from the main developer of celery (23 Mar 2012):

I'm not aware of any simple solution to start multiple celeryd instances using supervisor, but you can always use one config for each. Maybe someone else has a solution for it though.

The generic-init.d/celeryd script uses celeryd-multi to start multiple servers, and you can use the CELERYD_NODES /etc/init.d/celeryd variable to set a number, or a list of worker names. I'm not sure how supervisord could be made to work with celeryd-multi, as it would probably need to know which of the resulting PIDs should be monitored or not (maybe a supervisord plugin could be written?)

-- Ask Solem

Daemontools has a utility called fghack designed to make a background process "stay" in the foreground.

pidsig supposedly is similar, but proxies signals:

I believe both are basically wrappers that wait on the backgrounded children.
