I registered a domain and a private email using namecheap.com. I am trying to send an email from this private email. However, I get the error in the title.
In my settings.py, I have these settings:
EMAIL_HOST = 'mail.privateemail.com'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'contact@mysite.com'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'my password'
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
And I am trying to send the email through a view:
'Subject here',
'Here is the message.',
However, I get this error:
SMTPException at /
STARTTLS extension not supported by server.
Any idea why? Any help is appreciated.
After changing the EMAIL_USE_TLS to False, and also removing it to check both separately, I get this error now:
SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server.
Any idea why? Thanks!
your server mail.privateemail.com
does not know what is STARTTLS
SMTP Commnad is
this may happen in two cases:
- your server (mail.privateemail.com) do not support secure communication at all and you need to use plain, non-encrypted communication.
- you are trying to connect to the port that is already using SSL as the communication, then STARTTLS to upgrade connection to secure make no sense whatsoever.
- your server is configured improperly and ignores STARTTLS on submission port (587).
Judging, that you are connecting to port 587 which should provide plain communication - it's either 1 or 3.
If you want this just work, remove EMAIL_USE_TLS = True
or set it to False
, otherwise - SMTP server configuration should be fixed.
You may try SSL instead of TLS by making following changes in settings.py
hope that helps
Either setup TLS on your mail server or use EMAIL_USE_TLS = False
I am able to resolve the issue with modifying below line of code, by adding port number with server name:
server = smtplib.SMTP('mail.mycompany.com:587')
Not sure if you have solved the problem yet. I also recently try the 2-month free private email package from NameCheap. Here is my code and it works for me as of Jan 2018:
import smtplib
from email.message import EmailMessage
fromaddr = 'account@yourdomain.com'
toaddrs = "recipient@somedomain.com"
SMTPServer = 'mail.privateemail.com'
port = 465 #587
login = "account@yourdomain.com"
password = "password"
msg = EmailMessage()
msgtxt = "http://www.google.com"+"\n\n"+"This is a test."
msg['Subject'] = "Test message"
msg['From'] = fromaddr
msg['To'] = toaddrs
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(SMTPServer, port) #use smtplib.SMTP() if port is 587
server.login(login, password)
Hope this help!
PS. You can also use port 587, but you have to use smtplib.SMTP()
instead of smtplib.SMTP_SSL()
, and also have to un-comment the server.starttls()