I have a domain object (Cat) like this:
class Cat {
String name
static hasMany = [
nicknames: String
(A cat has a name, and also has many nicknames (which are Strings))
And I am trying to query all the cats with certain nicknames.
I've tried this:
PagedResultList getCatsByNickname(String nickname, Map params) {
PagedResultList results = Cat.createCriteria().list(params) {
return results
But it never returns any results. (If I change the query to just use the simple name attribute, it works finding all cats with that name, but I want to query against the nicknames.)
I also tried this:
PagedResultList getCatsByNickname(String nickname, Map params) {
PagedResultList results = Cat.createCriteria().list(params) {
'nicknames' {
return results
But I get the error: org.hibernate.MappingException: collection was not an association: example.Cat.nicknames
So the question is, how do I query against a hasMany of type String?
After a lot of trying and researching, I found this will work with Grails 2.4.0, I don't know about older versions.
Cat.withCriteria {
createAlias('nicknames', 'n')
ilike 'n.elements', '%kitty%'
The trick is to use 'n.elements'
You can use HQL for querying in such a scenario. For example,
Cat.findAll("from Cat c where :nicknames in elements(c.nicknames)", [nicknames:'kitty'])
You can also use HQL (tested with Grails 2.5.0):
Cat.findAll("from Cat c inner join c.nicknames as n where upper(n) like '%'||?||'%'", [nickname.toUpperCase()])