How to insert data into Firebase using Polymerfire (mutiple nodes + multiple paths)

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-01 00:46:11

The Firebase Realtime Database supports arbitrarily complex atomic deep updates (blog post). It works like so:

  1. You can update any arbitrarily deep path with a single .update() call
  2. The full path on the key side of your update map will be replaced, so you must address subkeys directly if you don't want to blow away the parent
  3. Paths are relative to your current ref

So let's take your example:

var update = {};

update['emails/email3@example,com'] = {new: 'data'};
update['emails/email4@example,com'] = {new: 'data'};
update['users/c0djhbQi6vc4YMB-fDgJ/emails/email3@example,com'] = {new: 'data'};
update['users/c0djhbQi6vc4YMB-fDgJ/emails/email4@example,com'] = {new: 'data'};


This will update all of the locations simultaneously. To make it dynamic, simply use string interpolation when constructing the keys.
