redirect_uri_mismatch when OAuth2 account linking from Google Home Simulator

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-30 23:06:17

Leon, can you expand your answer a bit more? what does it mean to the Actions developer then? as a google action developer, can we do account linking at all?

I too am at a loss as to why you cannot do account linking for Actions on Google with Login with Google.

However, I've made this work using Login With Amazon, here's how:

  1. In, choose integrations -> actions on google.
  2. Choose an invocation name create a project in google developers console
  3. Enter the corresponding google project ID
  4. Pick your welcome intent
  5. Go to the amazon developers console under login with amazon
  6. Under allowed origins, put
  7. Under Allowed Return URLs, put (with your google project ID per above)
  8. Back in the Actions on Google popup, enter the client ID and Client Secret created in the Amazon developer's console.
  9. Set grant type = implicit
  10. Set authorization URL =

  11. set Scopes = profile

  12. Authorize and preview, and continue as described in the question with pasting in the link from res.debugInfo.sharedDebugInfo[0].debugInfo to a browser session. It will successfully link to the associated amazon account.

The question is - why can I use Amazon as an identity provider with OAuth2 using web identity federation but not Google when setting up account linking with Actions on Google?

See Leon's comment on my original question.

It is not currently possible to do account linking with Actions for APIs you do not own.
