Emulator not working in Android Studio 2.0

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-11-30 22:18:28

Try edit AVD Settings -> Emulated Performance -> Graphics. Set Software - GLES 2.0.

Installing the Android Emulator (marked in to the image) solved my problem. If still you face face problem install API simulator and DHU emulator too. But only AE will solve the issue I guess.

I had exactly the same issue.

Windows 7 Professional SP1. Installed Android Studio 2.0, new HAXM ver 6.0.1 and updated to all new components like SDK tools 25.1.1.

When started - emulator do not shows up any window. 'emulator.exe' runs in the task manager and eats 25% of CPU.

Deleted all AVDs, re-created new; used AVD Manager directly; used ARM/Atom images (with/without HAXM); tried AVD with different API level - nothing helps.

Reverting to Android SDK Tools 24.4.2 helps - I can run emulator as usual - so, looks this is not the issue of new HAXM 6.0.1.

After day fighting finally got resolution:

I have removed C:Windows\System32\Wbem from system PATH variable.

I had the same problem. I just created the AVD with 768 MB RAM and it did run fine!

I have the same issues as you. I upgraded Android Studio to 2.0 stable which also updated the Android SDK.

I believe this issue is more of an Android SDK issue since using the SDK's AVD Manager directly I can replicate the issue.

As another data point, I've also modified the Virtual Device to only use 768MB RAM, to no effect. The Task manager shows the emulator using 2 threads and 13% CPU no matter how long I leave it running, but no window ever appears. I've tried with and without the HAXM. My virtual devices are running API level 21 (x86_64) and 19 (x86).

I've also reinstalled both Android Studio and the Android SDK without any affect. It could be a configuration issue due to the 2.0 and SDK upgrade, a broken SDK release, or something else entirely.

Reverting to Android SDK 24.4.1 allows the Emulator to start working again, but without the 25.1.1 functionality.

  1. open cmd
  2. type set and check if you can see C:\Windows\System32\Wbem in PATH variable

  3. go to Control Panel -> System (on the left)->Advanced system settings -> (button at the bottom) Environment variables

    Either in user variables (or more likely system variables) in variable PATH remove

    %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem (or  C:\Windows\System32\Wbem)
  4. restart studio

I stumbled upon the same problem. I checked SDK manager, turns out emulator has not been installed. After it's been installed, emulator start showing
