I'm currently working on a very short project on Prolog, and just got stuck trying to apply a "filter" I have created to a list. I have what you could call the filter ready, but I can't apply it. It'd be better if I illustrate:
filter(A, B)
...outputs 'true' if certain conditions are met.
filterList(A, [X, Y, Z])
...outputs a list which includes all elements from the second argument that make the filter output false. (So if filter(A, X) is true, the output is [Y, Z] ).
I have the "filter" function ready, but now I need to apply it to a list as shown on the second example, excluding all elements for which the filter returns true when applied with the first argument.
So, if the filter is a simple A == B, the function is supposed to receive A [A,B,A,C,D,A] and output [B,C,D], having removed all the elements for which the filter applies, obviously.
I'm having trouble with the basic structure of the function, so if anyone could supply a basic outline for a function such as this it would be of great help. I've simplified my situation as much as possible so I can take whatever you may be able to provide and modify it for my needs.
Thanks in advance!
If you are searching for higher-order functions in Prolog, you should definetly consult Naish (1995), a very good resource on this.
His definition of filter/3
is the following (he uses difference-list notation, therefore escapes having to define filter/4
filter(P, A0-As0, As) :-
call(P, A0) -> As = A0-As1
As = As1
, filter(P, As0, As1).
I you have questions about this predicate, please ask me in the comment. Reading the paper is also highly recommended, it also definess map
, foldr
and compose
! Note that many of the limitations he mentions (like, for example a missing call/3
or a higher-order apply
do not apply anymore. SWI-Prolog has the =..
operator, which addresses all of his concerns and makes arbitrary n-order logic possible.
SWI-Prolog offers exclude/3
and other such meta-predicates. Your original problem can be coded like this:
are_identical(X, Y) :-
X == Y.
filterList(A, In, Out) :-
exclude(are_identical(A), In, Out).
Usage example:
?- filterList(A, [A, B, A, C, D, A], Out).
Out = [B, C, D].
There is an inherent problem with filter functions that take the success or failure of a predicate as criterion for filtering: The resulting program is no longer a pure monotonic program. It therefore loses all its declarative properties — the only meaning that remains is a procedural step-by-step interpretation. Here is a pure, reified version of filtering using if_/3
tfilter(_CT_2, [], []).
tfilter(CT_2, [E|Es], Fs0) :-
if_(call(CT_2,E), Fs0 = [E|Fs], Fs0 = Fs ),
tfilter(CT_2, Es, Fs).
The first argument is thus a closure/continuation that will receive two further arguments: The element and the resulting truth value.
=(X,Y,false) :- dif(X,Y).
Now, results remain precise:
| ?- tfilter(=(X),[A,B],Xs).
B = A,
X = A,
Xs = [A,A] ? ;
X = A,
Xs = [A],
dif(A,B) ? ;
X = B,
Xs = [B],
dif(B,A) ? ;
Xs = [],
dif(X,B) ? ;
There are four possibilities how a list of two elements can be filtered by the criterion of being equal to X
. Each element might be equal or might be different.
The downside of this approach is that one has to provide reified versions of all criteria.
Well what'd you know I just figured it out. So, here's me submitting an answer to my own question, as expected a really short function did the job:
filterList(_,[],R,R). % Returns answer when the list is exhausted.
filterList(L,[A|List],Temp,Res) :-
filterList(L,List,New,Res), % Recursive call, New is either the same list
( filter(L,A), % in case the filter outputs true, or the list
New = Temp
; New = [A|Temp] % plus the current element otherwise.
I get the adults of a country // Obtengo los adultos de un pais, Country = Pais, People = Personas, Person = una sola Persona
habitants(USA, [juan, pedro, david])
adults(Adults, Country) :-
findall(Person, (habitants(Country,People), member(People, Person), adult(Person)), Adults)
This is a filter in prolog // Asi es un filter en prolog
filter(Predicate,[First|Rest],[First|Tail]) :-
filter(Predicate,[_|Rest],Result) :-