composing floor and sqrt in haskell

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-11-30 21:21:34

As copumpkin remarked, it might actually be a bad idea to convert to floating point here, because this comes with loss of precision and therefore might, even with rounding, yield incorrect results for sufficiently large integer inputs.

I assume all numbers you're dealing with will at least be small enough that there is some floating-point representation for them, e.g. all are < 10300. But, for instance

Prelude> round(sqrt.fromInteger$10^60 :: Double) ^ 2
Prelude>  {-   and not   -}     10^60    {-  == (10^30)^2 == (sqrt$10^60) ^ 2  -}

Which is way off, in terms of absolute difference. Still it's certainly a rather good approximation relative to the numbers themselves, so you can use it as a quickly determined starting point for an algorithm to find the exact result. You can implement Newton/Raphson (in this case AKA Heron) with Integers:

flrt :: Integer -> Integer  -- flrt x ≈ √x,  with  flrt x^2 ≤ x < flrt(x+1)^2
flrt x = approx (round . (sqrt::Double->Double) . fromInteger $ x)
   where approx r
            | ctrl <= x, (r+1)^2 > x  = r
            | otherwise               = approx $ r - diff
          where ctrl = r^2
                diff = (ctrl - x) // (2*r)    -- ∂/∂x x² = 2x

         a//b = a`div`b + if (a>0)==(b>0) then 1 else 0   -- always away from 0

This now works as desired:

*IntegerSqrt> (flrt $ 10^60) ^ 2

The division always away from 0 in the Newton-Raphson correction is here necessary to prevent getting stuck in an infinite recursion.

The problem is that you're trying to use Integer as the input. Haskell is strongly typed, which means there are no implicit coercions or conversions of any kind. Look at signatures of functions you're trying to compose:

sqrt  :: Floating a => a -> a
floor :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b

And at the signature of your function inferred by GHC:

> :t floor . sqrt
floor . sqrt :: (RealFrac b, Integral c, Floating b) => b -> c

So, to have a function that goes from Integer (which doesn't have a Floating instance) to Integer, you have to first convert your argument to Floating, which can be done by using fromIntegral:

> :t floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
floor . sqrt . fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Integral c) => a -> c