How to integrate Stripe Connect with Node.js?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-30 21:03:05
Akshay Phulare
  1. After Clicking on 'Authorize' button, at your redirected URI it will give you Authorization code.
  2. After getting Authorization code you should make post request to get details of connected user account.

It will give you json like this

   "token_type": "bearer",
   "stripe_publishable_key": PUBLISHABLE_KEY,
   "scope": "read_write",
   "livemode": false,
   "stripe_user_id": USER_ID,
   "refresh_token": REFRESH_TOKEN,
   "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN
  1. Now by using USER_ID and ACCESS_TOKEN and REFRESH_TOKEN, you can make charges on connected user account.