So I'm writing a test for my Item component and I tried to render the ItemCard
component and then use that wrapper to create a snapshot but it returns an empty ShallowWrapper {}
Please see the code for more info:
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { ItemCard } from '../Item';
const fakeItem = {
id: 'aksnfj23',
title: 'Fake Coat',
price: '40000',
description: 'This is suuuper fake...',
image: 'fakecoat.jpg',
largeImage: 'largefakecoat.jpg',
describe('<ItemCard/>', () => {
it('renders and matches the snapshot', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<ItemCard me item={fakeItem} showButtons />);
// console.log(wrapper.debug());
The snap it creates:
// Jest Snapshot v1
exports[`<ItemCard/> renders and matches the snapshot 1`] = `ShallowWrapper {}`;
As far as I know the ShallowWrapper should have some content in it instead of being empty..
Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong here?
I faced the same issue after updating to jest@24.0.0 I have reverted to the previous version jest@23.6.0 for the time being till i figure out what has changed. If you find what has changed, do post it here.
For jest v24 you need to use snapshot serializer like
You can just use mount and debug function like this :
it('Should render Component', () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Component {...props} />);
use debug() method after the wrapper
it('renders and matches the snapshot', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<ItemCard me item={fakeItem} showButtons />);
// console.log(wrapper.debug());
expect(wrapper.debug()).toMatchSnapshot(); });