I have a requirement that I need to store audit information in a TEXT file. I planned to write the audit information using Apache Log4j
Seems to be reliable option. But, I should be able to write the Audit information even the fileSize reaches 3GB.
Does the log4j
supports the fileSize even at GigaBytes
Or with a Quick Question, What is the MaximumFileSize
can be supported in Log4j
NOTE : I could not go for RollingFileAppender or DailyFileAppender, I need to log the information Only in One text file, where some other components are reading this file content and doing some process.
By default, maximum file size is 10MB
(If you don't mention explicitly). And if you define explicitly, you can define any value upto GB
(even 1000GB). But think, when you open this file, your machine must have an equal amount of RAM
. So you have to take this into consideration before choosing file size
An example here
# Direct log messages to a log file
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
doesn't contain any field for setting file size. But its subclasses RollingFileAppender
and DailyFileAppender