Can i add tags to an application in google play console?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-30 17:11:48

There now appears to be a Tags option in the Google Play Console, but they are predefined tags to choose from, so it's pretty limited, but may help some people finding this question: Play Console Screenshot

FoamyGuy has answered on a comment for my question: you can put them in your description. But there is no real "tags" concept on the Android market. And furthermore the search algorithm is somewhat of a black box, it takes many things into consideration when picking the order of results which is why a search for your exact application name will not always result in your app being at the top (or even near the top) of the list of results. – FoamyGuy Apr 5 at 14:34

you can add your keywords in description


Keywords: leaynik, SOS, eyes, l3ynik, la3yink

Yes, Google has introduced this option now. You can add tags in google play console under

Store Presence -> Store Listing -> Manage Tags
