How to access CORBA interface without IDL or late-bound invoke remoting methods

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-11-30 13:41:50

After 3 days of debugging into IIOP to track down its behavior and inspect the data coming back in the response, I have settled on this solution.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Ch.Elca.Iiop;
using Ch.Elca.Iiop.Services;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using Ch.Elca.Iiop.Idl;

public interface ILicenseInfo
    Int32 GetHardwareKey([IdlSequence(0)] out byte[] hwKey);
    Int32 GetInstallationNumberList([IdlSequence(0)] out byte[] instNum);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IiopClientChannel channel = new IiopClientChannel();
        ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false);
        CorbaInit init = CorbaInit.GetInit();
        NamingContext context = init.GetNameService("MYLICSRV", 30000);
        NameComponent[] names = new NameComponent[] { new NameComponent("B1LicenseInfo") };
        ILicenseInfo li = (ILicenseInfo)context.resolve(names);
        byte[] hwKey;
        byte[] instNum;
        li.GetHardwareKey(out hwKey);
        li.GetInstallationNumberList(out instNum);
        Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding(false, false, true);

I temporarily was also using this in an attempt to make IIOP give me back the right strings. If it had occurred to me that I could simply accept the reply as a byte array and perform the decoding myself, I wouldn't have wasted half the time trying to work out how to get IIOP to understand how I wanted my string back:

class MyOrbInitializer :
    public void post_init( info)
        // Nothing to do

    public void pre_init( info)
    { codec = info.codec_factory.create_codec(
            new, 1, 2));
        Program.m_codec = codec;

class Program
    public static m_codec;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        IOrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
        orb.OverrideDefaultCharSets(CharSet.UTF8, WCharSet.UTF16);
        orb.RegisterPortableInterceptorInitalizer(new MyOrbInitializer());
        MarshalByRefObject objRef = context.resolve(names);
        string origObjData = orb.object_to_string(objRef);
        Ch.Elca.Iiop.CorbaObjRef.Ior iorObj = new Ch.Elca.Iiop.CorbaObjRef.Ior(origObjData);
        CodeSetComponentData cscd = new CodeSetComponentData(
            new int[] { (int)Ch.Elca.Iiop.Services.CharSet.UTF8 },
            new int[] { (int)Ch.Elca.Iiop.Services.WCharSet.UTF16 }); codesetcomp = new
  , m_codec.encode_value(cscd));
        string newObjData = iorObj.ToString();
        MarshalByRefObject newObj = (MarshalByRefObject)orb.string_to_object(newObjData);
        ILicenseInfo li = (ILicenseInfo)newObj;

After that much code ran, I had an object that would define the WChar CodeSet so it would parse the return strings properly, avoiding the "WChar CodeSet either not specified or not supported" error. But after all that, the Unicode byte ordering was backwards too! And the only way to fix that, as far as I could tell, was to re-parse the string into bytes and then back into a Unicode string. But that's when it occurred to me, why even ask for the result as a string!? I could just take the bytes directly and avoid so much of this complication. I wish I had thought of that earlier.

SAP BO 882 //LicenseInterface.idl

typedef sequence<octet> LicenseFileData;

interface LicenseInfo
  boolean IsUserLicensed(in wstring wstrUser, in wstring wstrModule, in wstring wstrInstallNo);
  long GetHardwareKey(out wstring pbstrHK);
  long GetInstallationNumberList(out wstring wbstrInstNum);
  long GetSystemNumber(out wstring wbstrSysNum, in wstring wstrInstallNo);
  long GetLicenseInfo(in wstring wstrModule, out long lNum, out long lAvailable, out long lStart, out long lEnd, in wstring wstrInstallNo);
  long GetLoggedInUsers(out wstring wbstrLogUsers);
  long StartLogging();
  long StopLogging();
  long GetLicenseNum(in wstring wstrKey, in wstring wstrInstallNo);
  long GetLogFileName(out wstring wstrLogFileName);
  boolean GetIsLogging();
  long LoadLicenseFile (in LicenseFileData arg_licenseFileData);
  boolean IsLicenseFileExist();
  long ResetAllLicenses();
  long GetVersion(out wstring sVersion);
  //long DeleteLicenseFile (in wstring wstrInstallNo);


typedef sequence<octet> usBuffer;

enum LicenseClientUTFType {LIC_UTF16 , LIC_UTF32};

exception NotAuthenticated {};
exception UserNotConnected {};

interface LicenseServer
    long SBOConnect (in usBuffer User, in usBuffer Company, in usBuffer PCName, out usBuffer SessionE, in long lDate, in usBuffer sInstallNo) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long AddOnGetLicense (in usBuffer Identifier, in usBuffer User, in usBuffer Company, in usBuffer PCName, out long plSessionID, out usBuffer SessionE, in long lDate, in usBuffer sInstallNo) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long PollSession (in usBuffer User, in usBuffer SIDs, out usBuffer RetE) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long SessionsInfo (in usBuffer User, in usBuffer SessionsInfo, out usBuffer SessionsInfoE, in long lDate) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long SessionVerify (in usBuffer User, in long lSessionID, out usBuffer pSessionIdE) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long CloseSession (in usBuffer User, in long lSessionId) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long LockServer (in usBuffer User, in long lSessionID) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long UnLockServer (in usBuffer User, in long lSessionID) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetUserLicenseInfo (in usBuffer User, out usBuffer pModules, out boolean pbIsConnected) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetAllModulesStatus (out usBuffer pModulesInfo) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long LoadLicenseFile (in usBuffer NewLicenseFile) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetHardwareKey (out usBuffer pHK) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long CreateIdentifier (in usBuffer Addon, out usBuffer pIdentifier, in usBuffer sInstallNo) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetAllUsersLicenseInfo(out usBuffer pUsersLicInfo) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long SetAllUsersLicenseInfo(in usBuffer User, in usBuffer UsersLicInfo, out usBuffer pConnectedUser) raises(NotAuthenticated,UserNotConnected);
    long IsDevExist (in usBuffer sInstallNo);
    long GetInstallationNumberList(out usBuffer pInstNum);
    long GetSystemNumber (out usBuffer pSysNum, in usBuffer sInstallNo);
    long GetFutureExpired(in long lFutureDate, out usBuffer pModules, in usBuffer sInstallNo);
    long GetUserSessionsInfo(in usBuffer UserName,out usBuffer pRsltSessionsInfo);
    long GetBIGSLicense (in usBuffer User, in usBuffer Company, in usBuffer PCName, in long lNum, out usBuffer pSessionsE, in long lDate, in usBuffer sInstallNo) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    boolean IsLicenseFileExist();
    long GetVersion(out usBuffer sVersion);
    long ClearUserLicenses (in usBuffer User) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long UpdateUserLicenses (in usBuffer User, out usBuffer ModulesE, in long lDate, in long lSessionID, in usBuffer sCmpLocalization, in usBuffer sCmpVersion) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long RequestNamedLicenses (in usBuffer User, out usBuffer ModulesE, in long lDate, in long lSessionID, in usBuffer sCmpLocalization, in usBuffer sCmpVersion) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long IsLicenseConcurrent () raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetLicenseFileGenInfo(in usBuffer sInstallNo, out usBuffer sLicGenInfo);
    //long DeleteLicenseFile (in usBuffer sInstallNo) raises(NotAuthenticated);

    long HandShake(in long algorithm, in usBuffer publicKey, out usBuffer sessionKey) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetCompanyDBCredentials(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer company, in usBuffer user, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer dbUser, out usBuffer dbPassword, out boolean useTrusted) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetDBCredentials(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer dbUser, out usBuffer dbPassword, out boolean useTrusted) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetCompanyReadOnlyDBCredentials(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer company, in usBuffer user, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer dbUser, out usBuffer dbPassword) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetReadOnlyDBCredentials(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer dbUser, out usBuffer dbPassword) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetListOfCompanies(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in boolean refresh, out usBuffer listOfCompanies);
    long GetCompanyEncryptionConfig(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer company, in usBuffer user, in usBuffer password, out long algorithm, out usBuffer keyId, out usBuffer key) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetEncryptionConfig(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out long algorithm,  out usBuffer keyId, out usBuffer key) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long SetDBCredentials(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, in usBuffer dbUser, in usBuffer dbPassword, in boolean useTrusted) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long RemoveDBCredentials(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetServerVersion(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, out usBuffer version, in usBuffer commonDBName);
    long SetReadOnlyDBCredentials(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, in usBuffer dbUser, in usBuffer dbPassword) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long SetEncryptionAlghorithm(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, in long algorithm) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GenerateEncryptionKey(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetServicesUserCredentials(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer servicesUser, out usBuffer servicesPassword) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long ExportSecuritySettings(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer xmlSettings) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long ImportSecuritySettings(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, in usBuffer xmlSettings) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetListOfConfiguredServers(out usBuffer listOfServers);
    long GetSiteUserName(out usBuffer siteUser);
    long AuthenticateSiteUser(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out boolean result) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long AuthenticateServicesUser(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out boolean result) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long ChangeSiteUserPassword(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer oldPassword, in usBuffer password) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long ChangeSiteUserPasswordByDB(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer dbUser, in usBuffer dbPassword, in usBuffer password) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetCompanyStaticKey(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer company, in usBuffer user, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer key) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetStaticKey(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer key) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetEncryptionAlgorithm(out long algorithm);
    long IsNTTrusted(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, out boolean isNTTrusted);
    long IsDKeyUsed(out boolean result);
    long ExportDKeys(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer xmlDKeys) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long ImportDKeys(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, in usBuffer xmlDKeys) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GenerateDKey(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer xmlDKeys) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long EnableDKey(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, out usBuffer xmlDKeys) raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetCompanyKeyAndKeyState(in long dbType, in usBuffer server, in usBuffer company, in usBuffer user, in usBuffer password, in usBuffer compKeyId, out long keyState, out usBuffer compKey)raises(NotAuthenticated);
    long GetKeyAndKeyState(in usBuffer siteUser, in usBuffer password, in usBuffer compKeyId, out long keyState, out usBuffer compKey)raises(NotAuthenticated);


interface LicenseServerFactory
  LicenseServer GetLicenseServer(in LicenseClientUTFType ClientUTFType);