Getting a working SpatiaLite + SQLite system for x64 c#

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-11-30 12:47:19

Actually, the problem could be in spatialite-4.dll this autmun I spent a week trying to fix the same issue without success. It looks like that there problems in spatialite-4.dll (I mean this one downloaded form gaia-sins (official spatialite site) ) You can try to build a Spatialite from sources (like a nightmare (: ) or try to look for another build of .dll. Second option helped me. Btw, there a couple of .dlls you need to use Spatialite extension:

  1. libsqlite3-0.dll
  2. libgeos-3-0-2.dll
  3. libgeos-c-1.dll
  4. libiconv2.dll
  5. libproj-0.dll
  6. libvirtualtext-2.dll
  7. libspatialite-2.dll <----- Spatialite v.2 completely suits my project. As I told, if you need v.4 you can try to build it or look for a another build. Hope, this helps

download mod_spatialite from the site, choose mod_spatialite-4.2.0-win-amd64.7z. unzip and copy all dll to the bin folder of your program.

sample code:

//SELECT load_extension("mod_spatialite") // doesn't need the '.dll' suffix.

using (var cnn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr))
                //connStr = "FullUri=file::memory:?cache=shared;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=200;";


                using (SQLiteCommand mycommand = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT load_extension(\"mod_spatialite\")", cnn))

Have a look in this Google Groups discussion here:!topic/spatialite-users/u2QZpQL_6ek

The latest solution is by Dominik:

I just found out, that the hack described at only works with the dlls from the second most recent version of mingw64
mingw-w64-bin_x86_64-linux_20131228.tar.bz2 from
Any attempt to do the same with the most recent version available at sourcefourge failed on my system.

However, I can definitely confirm, that I can load mod_spatialite with

