Looking into Dart a year later and I don't see any comprehensive widget library. I saw KevMoo's Widget.Dart project on GitHub but none of the widgets actually seem to work. I currently use AngularJS for my projects and have a great set of libraries such as Boostrap UI, and ng-grid which allow me to be productive without recreating the wheel. Anything like this in Dart?
There are widget libraries but they are mostly work in progress.
for Angular2 Dart
for Angular.dart 1.x
- angular.dart.ui a Dart port of Angular UI Polymer
- AngularPrime-Dart
- Angular.dart.material
for Polymer.dart >= 1.0.0
polymer_elements Dart port of JS https://elements.polymer-project.org/
bwu_datagrid Dart port of JS SlickGrid
for Polymer.dart <= 0.16.x
- core-elements
- paper-elements
- bwu_datagrid Dart port of JS SlickGrid
- Pixelate
- HtmlElements
- Spark widgets
- polymer_ui_elements Dart port of JS polymer-ui-elements
- core_elements Dart port of JS core-elements (just started)
and probably others
Another one worth mentioning: http://www.material-design-lite.pub