Calling renderRows() on Angular Material Table

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-30 11:19:18

Make sure you import ViewChild and MatTable:

import {Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {MatTable} from '@angular/material';

Then you can get a reference to the table using the ViewChild (note that a type T is required on MatTable - I just used any, but if you have a typed table, you will need to use that type:

@ViewChild(MatTable) table: MatTable<any>;

Then when you modify the table in any way you will need to call the renderRows() method.

delete(row: any): void {
  /* delete logic here */

Here is a very simple working example:

Some sources I found when solving this issue myself:

@ViewChild('myTable') myTable: MatTableModule

You're not supposed to query for the string. This will query the reference (defined like <cmp #ref>). Also the type is wrong: you're not grabbing a module from the view, you're grabbing a component.

You should import the component you want to query and do the following (change according to which component exactly you need to query):

@ViewChild(MatTable) matTable: MatTable

The argument in the ViewChild decorator is the component you want to query and the type is just for your convenience -- you could omit it or say any, but you won't have any help from TypeScript if you do not do it so it's recommended to leave it.
