Dynamic Programming Solution for a Variant of Coin Exchange

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-30 10:47:56

This is what you can try:

Let C(n, k, S) be the number of distinct representations of an amount n using some k coins from S.

Then C(n, k, S) = sum(C(n - s_i, k - 1, S[i:])) The summation is for every s_i from S. S[i:] means all the elements from S starting from i-th element to the end - we need this to prevent repeated combinations.

The initial conditions are C(0, 0, _) = 1 and C(n, k, _) = 0 if n < 0 or k < 0 or n > 0 and k < 1 .

The number you want to calculate:

R = sum(C(i, k, S) * C(n - i, k, S)) for i = 1..n-1, k = 1..min(i, n-i)/Smin where Smin - the smallest coin denomination from S.

The value min(i, n-i)/Smin represents the maximum number of coins that is possible when partitioning the given sum. For example if the sum n = 20 and i = 8 (1st person gets $8, 2nd gets $12) and the minimum coin denomination is $2, the maximum possible number of coins is 8/2 = 4. You can't get $8 with >4 coins.

Here is a table implementation and a little elaboration on algrid's beautiful answer. This produces an answer for f(500, [1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60]) in about 2 seconds.

The simple declaration of C(n, k, S) = sum(C(n - s_i, k - 1, S[i:])) means adding all the ways to get to the current sum, n using k coins. Then if we split n into all ways it can be partitioned in two, we can just add all the ways each of those parts can be made from the same number, k, of coins.

The beauty of fixing the subset of coins we choose from to a diminishing list means that any arbitrary combination of coins will only be counted once - it will be counted in the calculation where the leftmost coin in the combination is the first coin in our diminishing subset (assuming we order them in the same way). For example, the arbitrary subset [6, 24, 48], taken from [1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60], would only be counted in the summation for the subset [6, 12, 24, 48, 60] since the next subset, [12, 24, 48, 60] would not include 6 and the previous subset [2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60] has at least one 2 coin.

Python code (see it here; confirm here):

import time

def f(n, coins):
  t0 = time.time()

  min_coins = min(coins)

  m = [[[0] * len(coins) for k in xrange(n / min_coins + 1)] for _n in xrange(n + 1)]

  # Initialize base case
  for i in xrange(len(coins)):
    m[0][0][i] = 1

  for i in xrange(len(coins)):
    for _i in xrange(i + 1):
      for _n in xrange(coins[_i], n + 1):
        for k in xrange(1, _n / min_coins + 1):
          m[_n][k][i] += m[_n - coins[_i]][k - 1][_i]

  result = 0

  for a in xrange(1, n + 1):
    b = n - a

    for k in xrange(1, n / min_coins + 1):
      result = result + m[a][k][len(coins) - 1] * m[b][k][len(coins) - 1]

  total_time = time.time() - t0

  return (result, total_time)

print f(500, [1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60])