Where can I find low level Sound Programming Theory Tutorials

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-11-30 10:25:39

Before getting your hands dirty with the very low levels (C/C++) I'd suggest playing around with higher level tools such as Octave (a free Matlab clone). You might need to install the Signal Processing toolkit too. This should give you a good testbed for playing around with FFTs, convolution, filtering and the like, and also lets you graph the results. I'd suggest finding a good book on signal processing to get familiar with the concepts, then if you want to get into DSP algorithms, MusicDSP.org is worth a look.

If you want an existing framework to work with then look at CLAM.

A pixel in graphics programming is analogous to a single sampled point in audio. A digitised image is comprised of a 2d array of pixels; a digitised audio signal is comprised of a sequence of sample points, each point correponding to an amplitude. The rest you'll find in the books...

Sound On Sound's Synth Secrets series provides a fairly good basic introduction to the concepts of sound synthesis.
