How to compare performance of two pieces of codes

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-11-30 09:44:50

Here's a little C++11 stopwatch I like to roll out when I need to time something:

#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>

template <typename T> class basic_stopwatch
    typedef T clock;
    typename clock::time_point p;
    typename clock::duration   d;

    void tick()  { p  = clock::now();            }
    void tock()  { d += clock::now() - p;        }
    void reset() { d  = clock::duration::zero(); }

    template <typename S> unsigned long long int report() const
        return std::chrono::duration_cast<S>(d).count();

    unsigned long long int report_ms() const
        return report<std::chrono::milliseconds>();

    basic_stopwatch() : p(), d() { }

struct c_clock
    typedef std::clock_t time_point;
    typedef std::clock_t duration;
    static time_point now() { return std::clock(); }

template <> unsigned long long int basic_stopwatch<c_clock>::report_ms() const
  return 1000. * double(d) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

typedef basic_stopwatch<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> stopwatch;
typedef basic_stopwatch<c_clock> cstopwatch;


stopwatch sw;


std::cout << "This took " << sw.report_ms() << "ms.\n";

On any decent implementation, the default high_resolution_clock should give very accurate timing information.

There is the std::clock() function from <ctime> which returns how much CPU time was spent on the current process (that means it doesn't count the time the program was idling because the CPU was executing other tasks). This function can be used to accurately measure execution times of algorithms. Use the constant std::CLOCKS_PER_SEC (also from <ctime>) to convert the return value into seconds.

From the inline-assembly, you can use rdtsc instruction to get 32-bit(least significant part) counter into eax and 32-bit(highest significant part) to edx. If your code is too small, you can check total-approimate cpu-cycles with just eax register. If count is more than max. of 32-bit value, edx increments per max-32-bit value cycle.

int cpu_clk1a=0;
int cpu_clk1b=0;
int cpu_clk2a=0;
int cpu_clk2b=0;
int max=0;
std::cin>>max; //loop limit

    push eax
    push edx
    rdtsc    //gets current cpu-clock-counter into eax&edx
    mov [cpu_clk1a],eax
    mov [cpu_clk1b],edx
    pop edx
    pop eax


long temp=0;
for(int i=0;i<max;i++)

    temp+=clock();//needed to defy optimization to  actually measure something
                          //even the smartest compiler cannot know what 
                          //the clock would be

    push eax
    push edx
    rdtsc     //gets current cpu-clock-counter into aex&edx
    mov [cpu_clk2a],eax
    mov [cpu_clk2b],edx
    pop edx
    pop eax

   //if your loop takes more than ~2billions of cpu-clocks, use cpu_clk1b and 2b

Output: 74000 cpu-cycles for 1000 iterations and 800000 cpu-cycles for 10000 iterations on my machine. Because clock() is time-consuming.

Cpu-cycle resolution on my machine: ~1000 cycles. Yes, you need more than several thousands of addition/subtraction(fast instructions) to measure it relatively correct.

Assuming cpu working frequency being constant, 1000 cpu-cycles is nearly equal to 1 micro-seconds for a 1GHz cpu. You should warm your cpu up before doing this.

It is quite difficult to calculate the detailing number of cpu time from a block of code. The normal way to do this is to design the worse / average / best input data as test cases. And do a timing profiling based on your real code with these test cases. There is no any tool can tell you the flops when it is without the detailing input test data and conditions.

There are pieces of software called profilers which exactly do what you want.

An example for Windows is AMD code analyser and gprof for POSIX.

Measuring the number of CPU instructions is pretty useless.

Performance is relative to bottleneck, depending on the problem at hand the bottleneck might be the network, disk IOs, memory or CPU.

For just a friendly competition, I would suggest timing. Which implies providing test cases that are big enough to have meaningful measures, of course.

On Unix, you can use gettimeofday for relatively precise measures.

Best for your purposes is valgrind/callgrind
