Android, ProGuard, and keepclasseswithmembernames

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-11-30 09:16:17

The configuration in the Android SDK (at least up to version 11) is not entirely correct, indeed.

The configuration for Android in the ProGuard documentation correctly specifies "-keepclasseswithmembers", not "-keepclasseswithmembernames".

When I first tried the integrated proguard with Ant, my app kept crashing with runtime errors on the clickhandlers. (I always set these in XML). I assumed I must be doing something wrong, couldn't work out what, so added the line


at the top of the proguard.cfg.

Maybe this isn't optimal but it stopped the run time errors!


In fact I checked this by looking at usage.txt. The clickhandlers were listed in there before I added the dontshrink option, after I added it, usage.txt was empty as would be expected.
