REPL for interpreter using Flex/Bison

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-11-30 09:15:00

After looking at how languages like Python and SML/NJ handle their REPLs, I got a nice one working in my interpreter. Instead of having the prompt/echo logic in the outermost parser driver loop, I put it in the innermost lexer input routine. Actions in the parser and lexer set flags that control the prompting by input routine.

I'm using a reentrant scanner, so yyextra contains the state passed between the layers of the interpreter. It looks roughly like this:

typedef struct Interpreter {
    char* ps1; // prompt to start statement
    char* ps2; // prompt to continue statement
    char* echo; // result of last statement to display
    BOOL eof; // set by the EOF action in the parser
    char* error; // set by the error action in the parser
    BOOL completeLine // managed by yyread
    BOOL atStart; // true before scanner sees printable chars on line
    // ... and various other fields needed by the interpreter
} Interpreter;

The lexer input routine:

size_t yyread(FILE* file, char* buf, size_t max, Interpreter* interpreter)
    // Interactive input is signaled by yyin==NULL.
    if (file == NULL) {
        if (interpreter->completeLine) {
            if (interpreter->atStart && interpreter->echo != NULL) {
                fputs(interpreter->echo, stdout);
                fputs("\n", stdout);
                interpreter->echo = NULL;
            fputs(interpreter->atStart ? interpreter->ps1 : interpreter->ps2, stdout);

        char ibuf[max+1]; // fgets needs an extra byte for \0
        size_t len = 0;
        if (fgets(ibuf, max+1, stdin)) {
            len = strlen(ibuf);
            memcpy(buf, ibuf, len);
            // Show the prompt next time if we've read a full line.
            interpreter->completeLine = (ibuf[len-1] == '\n');
        else if (ferror(stdin)) {
            // TODO: propagate error value
        return len;
    else { // not interactive
        size_t len = fread(buf, 1, max, file);
        if (len == 0 && ferror(file)) {
            // TODO: propagate error value
        return len;

The top level interpreter loop becomes:

while (!interpreter->eof) {
    interpreter->atStart = YES;
    int status = yyparse(interpreter);
    if (status) {
        if (interpreter->error)
    else {
        if (interactive)
            interpreter->echo = result_string(interpreter);

The Flex file gets these new definitions:

%option extra-type="Interpreter*"

#define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size) result = yyread(yyin, buf, max_size, yyextra)

#define YY_USER_ACTION  if (!isspace(*yytext)) { yyextra->atStart = NO; }

The YY_USER_ACTION handles the tricky interplay between tokens in the language grammar and lines of input. My language is like C and ML in that a special character (';') is required to end a statement. In the input stream, that character can either be followed by a newline character to signal end-of-line, or it can be followed by characters that are part of a new statement. The input routine needs to show the main prompt if the only characters scanned since the last end-of-statement are newlines or other whitespace; otherwise it should show the continuation prompt.

I too am working on such an interpreter, I haven't gotten to the point of making a REPL yet, so my discussion might be somewhat vague.

Is it acceptable if given a sequence of statements on a single line, only the result of the last expression is printed? Because you can re-factor your top level grammar rule like so:

top_level = top_level statement | statement ;

The output of your top_level then could be a linked list of statements, and interpreter.result would be the evaluation of the tail of this list.
