
SLIME on Emacs with paredit in repl - how to prevent execution of incomplete but balanced expressions?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-02-20 06:38:46
问题 I use paredit on emacs with SLIME's repl. This means that at any point during my typing on the repl, my s-expressions are balanced. However, they may not be complete, and I might want to continue typing inside them in another line, as follows: CL-USER> (defun print-hello () ) When I start a new line by pressing the enter key, however, the SLIME repl executes my incomplete expression. I want it to wait for me to complete the expression, as follows: CL-USER> (defun print-hello () (format t

SLIME on Emacs with paredit in repl - how to prevent execution of incomplete but balanced expressions?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-20 06:35:34
问题 I use paredit on emacs with SLIME's repl. This means that at any point during my typing on the repl, my s-expressions are balanced. However, they may not be complete, and I might want to continue typing inside them in another line, as follows: CL-USER> (defun print-hello () ) When I start a new line by pressing the enter key, however, the SLIME repl executes my incomplete expression. I want it to wait for me to complete the expression, as follows: CL-USER> (defun print-hello () (format t

How to automatically enable paredit mode on all clojure, closurescript and elisp buffers automatically?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-11 14:14:02
问题 I want to enable paredit-mode on all clojure, cljs and elisp buffers by default, which is probably going to happen through the .spacemacs file. This is what I have so far in the user-config function of my .spacemacs: ;; paredit autoload (autoload 'enable-paredit-mode "paredit" "Turn on pseudo-structural editing of Lisp code." t) (add-hook 'clojure-mode #'enable-paredit-mode) (add-hook 'clojurescript-mode #'enable-paredit-mode) But it doesn't really work. What am I doing wrong? 回答1: In the

Prevent paredit from inserting a space when inserting parentheses - and other issues

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-08-26 04:21:40
问题 I love paredit. But there are a couple of things I hate, and have not yet come around to fixing them: Opening a parenthesis inserts a space before the parenthesis. I understand this is probably the preferred style of the whole internet, but it is not mine. How can avoid this? When inside a quoted area ( '' ), I am not able to back-delete. Also, typing a double quote ( " ) will insert a backslash (obviously to escape the double quote - only that this is not needed, at least in python. So I do

Prevent paredit from inserting a space when inserting parentheses - and other issues

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-08-26 04:21:06
问题 I love paredit. But there are a couple of things I hate, and have not yet come around to fixing them: Opening a parenthesis inserts a space before the parenthesis. I understand this is probably the preferred style of the whole internet, but it is not mine. How can avoid this? When inside a quoted area ( '' ), I am not able to back-delete. Also, typing a double quote ( " ) will insert a backslash (obviously to escape the double quote - only that this is not needed, at least in python. So I do

Emacs Clojure mode without paredit

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-30 23:24:59
问题 I'm using the Clojure mode package from ELPA. Otherwise everything is fine, but I just can't stand paredit mode. I can't seem to turn it off easily, now I just disable it for every buffer I open. I tried setting this variable to nil: (setq clojure-enable-paredit nil) But paredit still appears. Any ideas? 回答1: Not an answer to your actual question, but give paredit mode a chance. I, too, was really annoyed with it automatically closing my parens, and refusing to delete just a single paren for

Emacs Clojure mode without paredit

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-30 23:24:05
问题 I'm using the Clojure mode package from ELPA. Otherwise everything is fine, but I just can't stand paredit mode. I can't seem to turn it off easily, now I just disable it for every buffer I open. I tried setting this variable to nil: (setq clojure-enable-paredit nil) But paredit still appears. Any ideas? 回答1: Not an answer to your actual question, but give paredit mode a chance. I, too, was really annoyed with it automatically closing my parens, and refusing to delete just a single paren for

How do you comment out all or part of a Lisp s-exp using Paredit?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-18 12:19:05
问题 When editing Lisp code, occasionally it's useful to entirely comment out a top-level definition, like this: ;(defun some-fn-which-is-broken (x) ; ...) ... or comment out only part of an s-expression, like this: (foo x ; y z) ... and then recompile the file and test something in the REPL, etc. With paredit-mode enabled, this doesn't work. Here's what happens, if the point is right before the first paren below: (defun some-fn (x) ...) and you type a semicolon, what is entered is a semicolon and

New SLIMV 0.8.4 install, paren matching works, indentation doesn't

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-10 10:17:13
问题 I'm reinstalling everything after a hdd failure on my netbook (fresh install of Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04), and am trying to get the excellent SLIMV working again. It was working fine on the previous installation, but with this one, parenthesis matching works, but auto-indenting Lisp code does not. Hitting return starts the cursor back in column 1 of the next line, no matter where it is in the nested parens. I've been digging through the docs to see if there's a commandline or .vimrc

Just getting used to paredit in emacs on OS X - how come C-) doesn't work?

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-07 01:25:26
问题 I've recently set up a Common Lisp programming environment in Mac OS X Leopard. One emacs module which I've found to be indispensable is paredit. Paredit is doing its part to help me wrangle my Lisp code more easily, but I've ran into a bit of a snare. C-), bound to paredit-forward-slurp-sexp , is not forward slurping sexps but instead echoing the number 0 . I'm using a Mac, alternating between iTerm and Terminal. The same problem is present in both apps. I tried the same key combination in