C weird array syntax in multi-dimensional arrays

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-30 08:56:25

x[y] is defined as *(x + (y))

x[y][z] would become *(*(x + (y)) + z)

x[y[z]] would become *(x + (*(y + (z))))

x[4][3] would become *(*(x + (4)) + 3) would become *(*(x + 4) + 3)

3[x[4]] would become *(3 + (*(x + (4)))) would become *(*(x + 4) + 3)

3[4[x]] would become *(3 + (*(4 + (x)))) would become *(*(x + 4) + 3)

Which means they are all equivalent.

Yes. In each case x is an array which decays to a pointer and then has pointer arithmetic performed on it.
