Translating async-await C# code to F# with respect to the scheduler

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-11-30 06:44:22

You can use use TaskBuilder in FSharpx and pass in TaskScheduler.Current. Here's my attempt at translating RefreshHubs. Note that Task<unit> is used in lieu of Task.

let RefreshHubs _ =
    let task = TaskBuilder(scheduler = TaskScheduler.Current)
    task {
        let addresses = 
            |> (fun instance ->
                let endpoint = instance.InstanceEndpoints.["InternalSignalR"]
                sprintf "http://%O" endpoint.IPEndpoint
            |> Seq.toList

        let newHubs = addresses |> List.filter (not << hubs.ContainsKey)
        let deadHubs = hubs.Keys |> Seq.filter (fun x -> 
            not (List.exists ((=) x) addresses))

        // remove dead hubs
        deadHubs |> Seq.iter (hubs.Remove >> ignore)

        // add new hubs
        let! _ = Task.WhenAll [| for hub in newHubs -> AddHub hub |]
        return ()