Are there sites hosting fossil repositories? [closed]

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-11-30 04:50:05

I just launched a fossil hosting solution over at It's still in alpha but supports a number of things already. Feel free to let me know what you think.

It seems Fossil is available on Sourceforge:

Though it's not clear if this is an official installation. It's within allowance to host custom CGI scripts, but a admin maintained installation would be nicer.

Even though setting up a Sourceforge entry is probably overkill for small projects (what Fossil targets), this seems a sensible project hosting option. If Fossil is not officially supported, we should lobby for it to become that. Most likely BerliOS would adopt it, too.

This Site gives you a Free Fossil Repository hostet on Sourceforge:

I dont know of any, but its so easy to set up your own on any bit of hosting space you have access to that its less important than for other scm tools.

Link here to a tutorial I wrote on setting it up.
