How to start Titan graph server and connect with gremlin?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-30 03:08:21

According to the documentation takes either the name of a config file or the name of a directory to open or create a database in.

If what steven says is true, there would be two ways to connect to the database with a BerkelyDB backend:

  1. Start the database through bin/ Connect to the database through the rexster console.

  2. DON'T start the database using bin/ Use the gremlin console instead:"database-location"). This will open the database. But this does not have a rexster server. Nothing else will be able to access the database but the gremlin console.

With Titan Server/BerkeleyDB, you should attempt to connect via RexPro or REST (Thunderdome should connect over REST). You can't open another Titan-based connection to BerkeleyDB as Titan Server already owns that.

This is different than Titan Server/Cassandra where connectivity occurs over RexPro or REST, but also through embedded Cassandra which enables connectivity over thrift via'graph')

It's also possible to access Titan from python using these two libraries:


Thunderdome is currently Titan-specific, and bulbs is generic. A (possibly biased) comparison between Thunderdome and Bulbs is given on Thunderdome's wiki:

If you need autocompletion, you can use iPython and enable autocompletion in your iPython config.
