Geolocation provider for Firefox that allows manual input

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-11-30 00:23:16
Peter Hoffmann

The geo.wifi.uri does not need to be a webservice. You can also set it to a local uri with file://...

The file should be a json file with content like this:

{"location": {
              "latitude": 48.777025000000002, 
              "longitude": 9.1713909999999998, 
              "accuracy": 10.0}}

Update: For Firefox 9+, the format has changed:

    "status": "OK",
    "accuracy": 10.0,
    "location": {"lat": 48.777, "lng": 9.171}

Or you can combine them to support both:

    "status": "OK",
    "accuracy": 10.0,
    "location": {
        "lat": 48.777,
        "lng": 9.171,
        "latitude": 48.777,
        "longitude": 9.171,
        "accuracy": 10.0

Update: it looks like manually setting this preference is blocked by the provider assuming the Google service. See Bug 716453 Update 2: geo.wifi.uri not geo.wifi.url

The easiest way is to navigate to about:config and then in the filter box enter geo.wifi.uri, double-click the only config row that shows up, and enter the value below after you replace xxx and yyy with the co-ordinates you get from a service like


This trick doesn't require any add-ons or local/hosted files. Make sure the value is without any spaces and is on a single line!

Geolocater is an experimental add-on that lets you edit your geolocation.

In Chrome, you can use the Manual Geolocation chrome extension. It'll let you graphically choose your manual location.

Hmmm, you can't mock navigator.geolocation directly - perhaps you can refactor your code that uses it to use another object - say customGeoLocation.

In production you can just set customGeoLocation to navigator.geolocation and in tests use a mock implementation of whatever functionality you use.

EDIT: Turns out you can replace functions on navigator.geolocation object but that is still useless if you are using a mock library (like JsMock) which needs to create a mock object. So you wouldn't be able to replace navigator.geolocation with a mock.

You can do the mocking yourself in this fashion:

var getCurrentPositionCalled = false;
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition = function() { 
  getCurrentPositionCalled = true; 

//Your app code here

I have wired up Google Latitude to Firefox geolocation. This lets you manually update your location in Google Latitude with a single mouse click, instead of looking up your latitude and longitude yourself and typing it into a local file. My article on the subject is Make Firefox Take Geolocation From Google Latitude.

The solution required a small amount of server-side coding (I provide source code in the article), but I am for the time being running this code as a free live service that you can use.

Cheers, MetaEd

I have created a simple web application that serves as a geolocation endpoint you can point the browser's geo.wifi.uri to. It is compatible with the Google API specification. To use it, just enter the following, replacing [latitude] and [longitude] with the desired values:[latitude]/[longitude]

and it should work. To check if the service is up, navigate to

and check if the HTML page displays correctly. You can find the source code for this simple app at

I hope this tool will prove to be useful.
