
c++ ppl.h for parallel_for in linux [duplicate]

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-01-29 14:33:20
问题 This question already has answers here : Alternatives to ppl (4 answers) Closed 10 months ago . I made project in windows using c++ and now I am trying to build my project in linux(ubunt). However, I couldn't find ppl.h in linux. I used a lot of parallel_for in my project. What is the replacement can I use? 回答1: Parallel Patterns Library is Windows only. It is not useful for portable application, it is considered that OpenMP is best alternative for PPL. I.e. for the parallel for you can use


半世苍凉 提交于 2020-04-03 17:02:35
概率编程语言(PPL)领域正经历着机器学习技术快速发展带来的奇迹般的复兴。在短短的几年里,PPL 已经从一个模糊的统计研究领域发展出十几个活跃的开源方案。最近,麻省理工学院(MIT)的研究人员推出了一种新的概率编程语言 Gen。这种新语言让研究人员在不需要处理方程式和手动编写高性能代码的情况下,编写应用人工智能技术的多个领域的模型和算法。 PPL 是机器学习 pipeline 的常规组件,但其实现仍然具有挑战性。虽然市场上的 PPL 显著增加,但大多数 PPL 仍局限于研究工作,不适用于实际的应用。在 2015 年谷歌开源 TensorFlow 之前,深度学习领域也经历了类似的挑战。使用 TensorFlow,开发人员能够使用一致的框架构建复杂但高效的深度学习模型。从某种意义来说,Gen 正在寻找概率规划的方法,正如 TensorFlow 为深度学习所做的那样。然而,为了做到这一点,Gen 需要在 PPL 的两个关键特征上进行精细平衡。 表达性与效率 现代 PPL 最大的挑战是在建模表达性和推理效率之间取得平衡。虽然许多 PPL 在语法上都很丰富,可以用来表示几乎任何模型,但它们往往支持有限的推理算法,这些算法的收敛速度非常慢。其他 PPL 有丰富的推理算法,但仍然局限于特定的领域,使其不适用于一般的应用。 通用 PPL 应能实现两个基本效率向量: 1)推理算法效率:一个通用的


夙愿已清 提交于 2020-03-23 14:57:49
PPL的第一弹 PPL的第二弹 鸽子的第一弹 鸽子的第二弹 鸽子的第三弹 YCB的第一弹 YCB的第二弹 yyb的查不到QAQ。 完成情况 退役了也刷不完吧。 慢慢来。 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/cx233666/p/10452514.html

How to process the XML using XmlLite returned by the casablanca (PPL) http_client?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-24 13:54:03
问题 I want to make request to the web service, get the XML content, and parse it to get specific values returned by the service. The code is to be written in native C++11 (MS Visual Studio 2013). The Cassablanca PPL library was chosen. For XML parsing, the XmlLite was chosen. I am used to C++ programming; however, the async-task programming from the PPL library--the approach--is new to me. I know what the asynchronous programming is, and I know the principles of parallel programming. However, I

Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN (StyleGAN2 :分析和改善StyleGAN的图像质量)

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-18 08:31:09
NVIDIA 实验室在 styleGAN1 之后所做了改进,论文标题: Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN (分析和改善StyleGAN的图像质量),本文是论文的翻译,因为作者本人水平有限,部分地方翻译可能有不妥当之处,还请读者不吝赐教,相互交流,一起进步。 摘要 基于样式的GAN架构(StyleGAN)在数据驱动的无条件生成图像建模中产生了最新的结果。我们将揭露和分析其一些特征工件,并提出模型架构和训练方法方面的更改以解决这些问题。特别是,我们重新设计了生成器归一化,重新审视了渐进式增长,并对生成器进行了正则化,以鼓励从潜矢量到图像的映射中的良好条件。除了改善图像质量,该路径长度调节器还带来了额外的好处,即发生器变得非常易于反转。这使得可以可靠地检测图像是否由特定网络生成。我们进一步可视化了发生器如何充分利用其输出分辨率,并确定了容量问题,从而激励我们训练更大的模型以进一步提高质量。总体而言,我们改进的模型在现有的分发质量指标和感知的图像质量方面都重新定义了无条件图像建模的最新技术水平。 1.介绍 通过生成方法,尤其是生成对抗网络(GAN)[15]生成的图像的分辨率和质量正在迅速提高[23,31,5]。目前,用于高分辨率图像合成的最新方法是StyleGAN [24],它已被证明可以在各种数据集上可靠地工作

c++ PPL parallel work - function max() in reduction class 'combinable'

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-13 01:28:34
问题 I am using the Parallel Pattern Library. The class combinable plays the role of reduction clause in openMP, and enables to merge results from parallel calculations. Does .combine(max()) exists (btw, could you point at some ref with allowed operations with combine, did not find that)? Thanks and regards. 回答1: Yes, you can pass std::max to combineable::combine , one thing you have to take into account when passing template functions as predicates is that you have to explicitly name the type:

SIMD alignment issue with PPL Combinable

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-12 02:16:59
问题 I'm trying to sum the elements of array in parallel with SIMD. To avoid locking I'm using combinable thread local which is not always aligned on 16 bytes because of that _mm_add_epi32 is throwing exception concurrency::combinable<__m128i> sum_combine; int length = 40; // multiple of 8 concurrency::parallel_for(0, length , 8, [&](int it) { __m128i v1 = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(input_arr + it)); __m128i v2 = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(input_arr + it + sizeof

Thread IDs with PPL and Parallel Memory Allocation

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-07 09:30:20
问题 I have a question about the Microsoft PPL library, and parallel programming in general. I am using FFTW to perform a large set (100,000) of 64 x 64 x 64 FFTs and inverse FFTs. In my current implementation, I use a parallel for loop and allocate the storage arrays within the loop. I have noticed that my CPU usage only tops out at about 60-70% in these cases. (Note this is still better utilization than the built in threaded FFTs provided by FFTW which I have tested). Since I am using fftw

Does Windows std::thread uses internally PPL?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-07 08:59:01
问题 Is the implementation of Visual Studio 2015's std::thread internally based on PPL's task system? The background of my question is, does it make sense to use std::thread for several tasks, because they are already executed balanced on the common threadpool, or is it better to execute the tasks via PPL tasks? According to (Which std::async implementations use thread pools?) this seems to be, but since the question is rather old I would like to get an "official" answer. 回答1: Yes and No. for std:

oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall RPM 软件包的功能

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-06 23:22:58
oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall RPM 软件包的功能 转载 2016年08月20日 20:57:35 基于Linux安装过 Oracle 的童鞋们都应该清楚,安装Oracle的确是一件比较费时费力的差事,因为仅仅是前期的rpm包,内核参数,创建用户等等这些个步骤都让那些新手不免眼花缭乱,一不留神,就导致最终的安装过程中报错而不得不从头来过。现在基于Oracle Linux,Oracle仅仅需要通过安装oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall RPM包即可全部搞定其余未安装的RPM包,解决之间的依赖关系,配置内核参数等等。客官,正在基于Oracle Linux 安装Oralce 11g?那就接着往下看。 1、oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall RPM 软件包的功能 a、 Automatically downloading and installing any additional software packages and specific package versions needed for installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database 12 c Release 1 (12.1) or 11g