Django Unit Testing taking a very long time to create test database

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-11-29 22:12:40

The final solution that fixes my problem is to force Django to disable migration during testing, which can be done from the settings like this

TESTING = 'test' in sys.argv[1:]
    print('In TEST Mode - Disableling Migrations')

    class DisableMigrations(object):

        def __contains__(self, item):
            return True

        def __getitem__(self, item):
            return "notmigrations"

    MIGRATION_MODULES = DisableMigrations()

or use

My whole test now takes about 1 minute and a small app takes 5 seconds.

In my case, migrations are not needed for testing as I update tests as I migrate, and don't use migrations to add data. This won't work for everybody


Use pytest !


  1. pip install pytest-django
  2. pytest --nomigrations instead of ./ test


  • ./ test costs 2 min 11.86 sec
  • pytest --nomigrations costs 2.18 sec


  • You can create a file called pytest.ini in your project root directory, and specify default command line options and/or Django settings there.

    # content of pytest.ini
    addopts = --nomigrations
    DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = yourproject.settings

    Now you can simply run tests with pytest and save you a bit of typing.

  • You can speed up the subsequent tests even further by adding --reuse-db to the default command line options.

    addopts = --nomigrations --reuse-db

    However, as soon as your database model is changed, you must run pytest --create-db once to force re-creation of the test database.

  • If you need to enable gevent monkey patching during testing, you can create a file called pytest in your project root directory with the following content, cast the execution bit to it (chmod +x pytest) and run ./pytest for testing instead of pytest:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # content of pytest
    from gevent import monkey
    import os
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "yourproject.settings")
    from django.db import connection
    connection.allow_thread_sharing = True
    import re
    import sys
    from pytest import main
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])

    You can create a file for testing whether gevent monkey patching is successful:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # content of
    import time
    from django.test import TestCase
    from django.db import connection
    import gevent
    def f(n):
        cur = connection.cursor()
        cur.execute("SELECT SLEEP(%s)", (n,))
        cur.execute("SELECT %s", (n,))
    class GeventTestCase(TestCase):
        longMessage = True
        def test_gevent_spawn(self):
            timer = time.time()
            d1, d2, d3 = 1, 2, 3
            t1 = gevent.spawn(f, d1)
            t2 = gevent.spawn(f, d2)
            t3 = gevent.spawn(f, d3)
            gevent.joinall([t1, t2, t3])
            cost = time.time() - timer
            self.assertAlmostEqual(cost, max(d1, d2, d3), delta=1.0,
                                   msg='gevent spawn not working as expected')


use ./ test --keepdb when there are no changes in the migration files


Database initialization indeed takes too long...

I have a project with about the same number of models/tables (about 77), and approximately 350 tests and takes 1 minute total to run everything. Deving in a vagrant machine with 2 cpus allocated and 2GB of ram. Also I use py.test with pytest-xdist plugin for running multiple tests in parallel.

Another thing you can do is tell django reuse the test database and only re-create it when you have schema changes. Also you can use SQLite so that the tests will use an in-memory database. Both approaches explained here:

EDIT: In case none of the options above work, one more option is to have your unit tests inherit from django SimpleTestCase or use a custom test runner that doesn't create a database as explained in this answer here: django unit tests without a db.

Then you can just mock django calls to the database using a library like this one (which admittingly I wrote):

This way you can run your unit tests locally fast and let your CI server worry about running integration tests that require a database, before merging your code to some stable dev/master branch that isn't the production one.
