How can I implode an array while skipping empty array items?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-11-29 20:47:48

You can use array_filter():

If no callback is supplied, all entries of input equal to FALSE (see converting to boolean) will be removed.

implode('-', array_filter($array));

Obviously this will not work if you have 0 (or any other value that evaluates to false) in your array and you want to keep it. But then you can provide your own callback function.

I suppose you can't consider it built in (because the function is running with a user defined function), but you could always use array_filter.
Something like:

function rempty ($var)
    return !($var == "" || $var == null);
$string = implode('-',array_filter($array, 'rempty'));

How you should implement you filter only depends on what you see as "empty".

function my_filter($item)
    return !empty($item); // Will discard 0, 0.0, '0', '', NULL, array() of FALSE
    // Or...
    return !is_null($item); // Will only discard NULL
    // or...
    return $item != "" && $item !== NULL; // Discards empty strings and NULL
    // or... whatever test you feel like doing

function my_join($array)
    return implode('-',array_filter($array,"my_filter"));
Ali Varli

To remove null, false, empty string but preserve 0, etc. use func. 'strlen'

$arr = [null, false, "", 0, "0", "1", "2", "false"];
print_r(array_filter($arr, 'strlen'));

will output:

//Array ( [3] => 0 [4] => 0 [5] => 1 [6] => 2 [7] => false )

Based on what I can find, I'd say chances are, there isn't really any way to use a PHP built in for that. But you could probably do something along the lines of this:

function implode_skip_empty($glue,$arr) {
      $ret = "";
      $len = sizeof($arr);
      for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) {
          $val = $arr[$i];    
          if($val == "") {
          } else {
            $ret .= $arr.($i+1==$len)?"":$glue;
      return $ret;

Try this:

$result = array();

foreach($array as $row) { 
   if ($row != '') {
   array_push($result, $row); 

implode('-', $result);

array_fileter() seems to be the accepted way here, and is probably still the most robust answer tbh.

However, the following will also work if you can guarantee that the "glue" character doesn't already exist in the strings of each array element (which would be a given under most practical circumstances -- otherwise you wouldn't be able to distinguish the glue from the actual data in the array):

$array = array('one', '', '', 'four', '', 'six');
$str   = implode('-', $array);
$str   = preg_replace ('/(-)+/', '\1', $str);

Try this:

if(isset($array))  $array = implode(",", (array)$array);