How to determine if a record is just created or updated in after_save

不羁的心 提交于 2019-11-29 20:32:05

I was looking to use this for an after_save callback.

A simpler solution is to use id_changed? (since it won't change on update) or even created_at_changed? if timestamp columns are present.

Update: As @mitsy points out, if this check is needed outside of callbacks then use id_previously_changed?. See docs.

No rails magic here that I know of, you'll have to do it yourself. You could clean this up using a virtual attribute...

In your model class:

def before_save
  @was_a_new_record = new_record?
  return true

def after_save
  if @was_a_new_record

Yet another option, for those who do have an updated_at timestamp:

if created_at == updated_at
  # it's a newly created record

There is an after_create callback which is only called if the record is a new record, after it is saved. There is also an after_update callback for use if this was an existing record which was changed and saved. The after_save callback is called in both cases, after either after_create or after_update is called.

Use after_create if you need something to happen once after a new record has been saved.

More info here:

Since the object has already been saved, you would you need to look at the previous changes. The ID should only change after a create.

# true if this is a new record

There is also an instance variable @new_record_before_save. You can access that by doing the following:

# true if this is a new record

Both are pretty ugly, but they would allow you to know whether the object has been newly created. Hope that helps!
