the script below creates the visNetwork as shown in the visualization below. I want a functionality to make the edge "1" and edge "3" curved. I am attaching the js code that can be used to achieve this. However, please help me to integrate the same code in R. Thanks.
nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:4)
edges <- data.frame(from = c(2,4,3,2), to = c(1,2,4,3), label = 1:4)
edges <- data.frame(edges,edges$from)
visNetwork(nodes, edges, width = "100%") %>%
visEdges(arrows =list(to = list(enabled = TRUE, scaleFactor = 2)),
color = list(color = "lightblue", highlight = "red")) %>%
JS Code
{from: 2, to: 1, arrows: 'to', label: "1", smooth: {type: "curvedCCW",
roundness: 0.4}},
{from: 3, to: 4, arrows: 'to', label: "3", smooth: {type: "curvedCCW",
roundness: 0.2}},
Updated code with listed paramaters of smooth
nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:4)
edges <- data.frame(from = c(2,4,3,2), to = c(1,2,4,3), label = 1:4, smooth = list(enabled = F, type ='curvedCW', roundness = 0.2))
edges <- data.frame(edges,edges$from)
#enable smooth for the edges you like
edges$smooth.enabled[edges$label==1] = T
edges$smooth.enabled[edges$label==3] = T
visNetwork(nodes, edges, width = "100%") %>%
visEdges(arrows =list(to = list(enabled = TRUE, scaleFactor = 2)),
color = list(color = "lightblue", highlight = "red")) %>%