Looking into Dart a year later and I don't see any comprehensive widget library. I saw KevMoo's Widget.Dart project on GitHub but none of the widgets actually seem to work. I currently use AngularJS for my projects and have a great set of libraries such as Boostrap UI, and ng-grid which allow me to be productive without recreating the wheel. Anything like this in Dart?
There are widget libraries but they are mostly work in progress.
for Angular2 Dart
- angular2-material
- ng2-strap
for Angular.dart 1.x
- angular.dart.ui a Dart port of Angular UI Polymer
- AngularPrime-Dart
- Angular.dart.material
for Polymer.dart >= 1.0.0
polymer_elements Dart port of JS https://elements.polymer-project.org/
bwu_datagrid Dart port of JS SlickGrid
for Polymer.dart <= 0.16.x
- core-elements
- paper-elements
- bwu_datagrid Dart port of JS SlickGrid
- Pixelate
- HtmlElements
- Spark widgets
- RöckDöt for Dart
- MDL (Material Design Lite)
- Bootjack
- Rikulo UI
- Rikulo UXL
- polymer_ui_elements Dart port of JS polymer-ui-elements
- core_elements Dart port of JS core-elements (just started)
and probably others
Another one worth mentioning: http://www.material-design-lite.pub