Azure Search scoring

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-29 15:09:57

All indexes in Azure Search are split into multiple shards allowing us for quick scale up and scale downs. When a search request is issued, it’s issued against each of the shards independently. The result sets from each of the shards are then merged and ordered by score (if no other ordering is defined). It is important to know that the scoring function weights query term frequency in each document against its frequency in all documents, in the shard!

It means that in your scenario, in which you have three instances of every document, even with scoring profiles disabled, if one of those documents lands on a different shard than the other two, its score will be slightly different. The more data in your index, the smaller the differences will be (more even term distribution). It’s not possible to assume on which shard any given document will be placed.

In general, document score is not the best attribute for ordering documents. It should only give you general sense of document relevance against other documents in the results set. In your scenario, it would be possible to order the results by price and/or points if you marked price and/or points fields as sortable. You can find more information how to use $orderby query parameter here:
