Neo4j TimeTree in Spring Data Neo4j 4.0

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-11-29 12:27:00

The dependency is only useful if you're using the timetree programatically. If your application is running against a Neo4j server, then you need to download and save to your Neo4j server plugins directory:

a) The GraphAware framework (choose either Community or Enterprise)

b) The TimeTree module

Both can be downloaded from

Without this, even with a configuration in, the GraphAware Runtime isn't started and the timetree will not work.

If you want to run your code via a test, then you need to include the dependencies for the TimeTree and GraphAware Runtime and start the GraphAware Runtime yourself, with code such as:

 GraphAwareRuntime runtime = GraphAwareRuntimeFactory.createRuntime(getDatabase());
        runtime.registerModule(new TimeTreeModule("timetree",
                        .with(new NodeInclusionPolicy() {
                            public boolean include(Node node) {
                                return node.hasLabel(DynamicLabel.label("User"));


Then you can write tests such as

    public void shouldSaveUser()
        User user = new User( "Michal" );
        user.setCreatedOn(1431937636995l); user );

        assertSameGraph( getDatabase(), "CREATE (u:User:Person {name:'Michal', createdOn:1431937636995})," +
                "(root:TimeTreeRoot)," +
                        "(root)-[:FIRST]->(year:Year {value:2015})," +
                        "(root)-[:CHILD]->(year)," +
                        "(root)-[:LAST]->(year)," +
                        "(year)-[:FIRST]->(month:Month {value:5})," +
                        "(year)-[:CHILD]->(month)," +
                        "(year)-[:LAST]->(month)," +
                        "(month)-[:FIRST]->(day:Day {value:18})," +
                        "(month)-[:CHILD]->(day)," +
                        "(month)-[:LAST]->(day)," +


Defining the possible labels for the TimeTree has a little different syntax as explained in the InclusionPolicy documentation

The syntax is the following :


For debugging purposes you may want to add these lines to your conf/custom-logback.xml file :

<appender name="EXTENSIONLOG"  class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
      <pattern>%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ} %-5level [%logger{15}]: %message%n</pattern>

<logger name="com.graphaware" level="debug">
  <appender-ref ref="EXTENSIONLOG"/>

and look at the extensions.log file
