I have been trying to get a custom use of gmaps4rails running, and I have the code set to display my string of json coordinates on the map, and the center on user IS working, I can zoom into my location from home, work and my phone. I just cannot get the js right to display an 'Im here' button on the map once permission is given.
here is the code I use for the map from gmaps4rails:
<%= gmaps(:map_options => {:detect_location => true, :center_on_user => true, :auto_zoom => false, :zoom => 12, :auto_adjust => true}, :markers => {:data => @json} ) %>
Thanks for any help!
EDIT Dec.6 after answer:
I am adding in the code for the callback as so:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
Gmaps.map.callback = function() {
Gmaps.map.createMarker({Lat: Gmaps.map.userLocation.lat(),
Lng: Gmaps.map.userLocation.lng(),
rich_marker: null,
marker_picture: "http://gmaps-utility-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/1.0/images/heart30.png"
and still not getting a response on the map. Is this a problem with my js coding? I'm not pro yet.
You can do this:
Gmaps.map.createMarker({Lat: Gmaps.map.userLocation.lat(),
Lng: Gmaps.map.userLocation.lng(),
rich_marker: null,
marker_picture: ""
in the callback.
Notice you can pass the url of your desired marker.
BTW, you should create an issue on github if you feel like this is a useful feature.