Using variables in Classic ASP parameterized SQL

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-29 08:21:35

If you want to avoid repetition, you can continue to DECLARE your variables and set their value once:

var sqlReview = "DECLARE @UserID AS Int = ?, @PgID AS Int = ?, @Rating AS TinyInt = ?;"
sqlReview += "DELETE FROM PGrating WHERE (UserID = @UserID) AND (PgID = @PgID);"
sqlReview += "INSERT INTO PGrating (InsertDate, PgID, UserID, Rating) VALUES (GETDATE(), @PgID, @UserID, @Rating);"

The above is assuming SQL Server 2008 or higher. On lower versions, you'd need a separate line for assignment:

var sqlReview = "DECLARE @UserID AS Int, @PgID AS Int, @Rating AS TinyInt;"
sqlReview += "SELECT @UserID = ?, @PgID = ?, @Rating = ?;"
sqlReview += "DELETE FROM PGrating WHERE (UserID = @UserID) AND (PgID = @PgID);"
sqlReview += "INSERT INTO PGrating (InsertDate, PgID, UserID, Rating) VALUES (GETDATE(), @PgID, @UserID, @Rating);"

When using adCmdText, you have to declare your parameters using ? placeholders. When adding the parameters, ADO determines the parameter sequence based on the order you add them.

However, once you convert this to a stored procedure, you can use named parameters as you are trying to do, and sequence will not matter. But you will have to move your query to a stored proc to get the results you want.

See this MSDN article for more info.

You are using an ADO provider, not a SQL Server provider.

ADO parameterized queries syntax is ? for the parameters, not names.
