Why is my EAGLVIew not rendering anymore in iOS 4.2?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-29 08:12:22

It took me forever to find this out. Not well documented at all, but it's in the apple docs. On os 4.2 and higher, you need the EAGLview size to be a multiple of 32 pixels in both dimensions for it to work.

Is this in the Simulator? If so, then that is a known bug in the iOS 4.2 Simulator. This bug does not impact the devices themselves.

How are you setting up your OpenGL-hosting layer and the view that it backs? When I try the OpenGL ES sample applications that I have here and here, both run just fine on the 4.2 Simulator, as well as the device.

Perhaps you could compare the initialization used in those examples with your own and see if there is something that you might be missing in the setup process.
