Creating a category for classes that implement a specific protocol in Objective-C?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-29 00:11:31

It sounds like what you're after is a mixin: define a series of methods that form the behaviour that you want, and then add that behaviour to only the set of classes that need it.

Here is a strategy I've used to great success in my project EnumeratorKit, which adds Ruby-style block enumeration methods to built-in Cocoa collection classes (in particular EKEnumerable.h and EKEnumerable.m:

  1. Define a protocol that describes the behaviour you want. For method implementations you are going to provide, declare them as @optional.

    @protocol WritableView <NSObject>
    - (void)writeText:(NSString *)text;
    - (void)setTextToDomainOfUrl:(NSString *)text;
    - (void)setTextToIntegerValue:(NSInteger)value;
    - (void)setCapitalizedText:(NSString *)text;
  2. Create a class that conforms to that protocol, and implements all the optional methods:

    @interface WritableView : NSObject <WritableView>
    @implementation WritableView
    - (void)writeText:(NSString *)text
        NSAssert(@"expected -writeText: to be implemented by %@", [self class]);
    - (void)setTextToDomainOfUrl:(NSString *)text
        // implementation will call [self writeText:text]
    - (void)setTextToIntegerValue:(NSInteger)value
        // implementation will call [self writeText:text]
    - (void)setCapitalizedText:(NSString *)text
        // implementation will call [self writeText:text]
  3. Create a category on NSObject that can add these methods to any other class at runtime (note that this code doesn't support class methods, only instance methods):

    #import <objc/runtime.h>
    @interface NSObject (IncludeWritableView)
    + (void)includeWritableView;
    + (void)includeWritableView
        unsigned int methodCount;
        Method *methods = class_copyMethodList([WritableView class], &methodCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; i++) {
            SEL name = method_getName(methods[i]);
            IMP imp = method_getImplementation(methods[i]);
            const char *types = method_getTypeEncoding(methods[i]);
            class_addMethod([self class], name, imp, types);

Now in the class where you want to include this behaviour (for example, UILabel):

  1. Adopt the WritableView protocol
  2. Implement the required writeText: instance method
  3. Add this to the top of your implementation:

    @interface UILabel (WritableView) <WritableView>
    @implementation UILabel (WritableView)
    + (void)load
        [self includeWritableView];
    // implementation specific to UILabel
    - (void)writeText:(NSString *)text
        self.text = text;

Hope this helps. I've found it a really effective way to implement cross-cutting concerns without having to copy & paste code between multiple categories.

Swift 2.0 introduces Protocol Extensions which is exactly what I was looking for. Had I been just using Swift, I would have been able to achieve the desired results with the following code:

protocol WritableView {
    func writeText(text: String)

extension WritableView {
    func setTextToDomainOfUrl(text: String) {
        let t = text.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("http://", withString:"") // just an example, obviously this can be improved

    func setTextToIntegerValue(value: Int) {

    func setCapitalizedText(text: String) {

extension UILabel: WritableView {
    func writeText(text: String) {
        self.text = text

extension UIButton: WritableView {
    fun writeText(text: String) {
        setTitle(text, forState:.Normal)

Unfortunately, in my limited tests with Swift and Objective-C, it looks like you cannot use Swift protocol extensions in Objective-C (e.g. the moment I choose to extend the protocol WritableView in Swift, the protocol WritableView is no longer visible to Objective-C).
