Can I use PIL, like in this example?
I only need to read the data, and I'm looking for the easiest simplest way to do it (I can't install pyexiv).
edit: I don't want to believe that the only way to do this is with some library (python-xmp-toolkit, pyexiv2, ...) that needs Exempi and Boost. There must be another option!
Well, I was looking for something similar, then I came across the PHP equivalent question and I translated the anwer to Python:
f = 'example.jpg'
fd = open(f)
xmp_start = d.find('<x:xmpmeta')
xmp_end = d.find('</x:xmpmeta')
xmp_str = d[xmp_start:xmp_end+12]
you can then convert xmp_str and parse it with an XML API.
XMP metadata can be found in applist
from PIL import Image
with as im:
for segment, content in im.applist:
marker, body = content.split('\x00', 1)
if segment == 'APP1' and marker == '':
# parse the XML string with any method you like
print body
with open( imgFileName, "rb") as fin:
img =
xmp_start = imgAsString.find('<x:xmpmeta')
xmp_end = imgAsString.find('</x:xmpmeta')
if xmp_start != xmp_end:
xmpString = imgAsString[xmp_start:xmp_end+12]
xmpAsXML = BeautifulSoup( xmpString )
Or you can use the Python XMP Toolkit
A search through the PIL source (1.1.7) tells me that it can recognize XMP information in Tiff files, but I cannot find any evidence of a documented or undocumented API for working with XMP information using PIL at the application level.
From the CHANGES file included in the source:
+ Support for preserving ICC profiles (by Florian Böch via Tim Hatch).
Florian writes:
It's a beta, so still needs some testing, but should allow you to:
- retain embedded ICC profiles when saving from/to JPEG, PNG, TIFF.
Existing code doesn't need to be changed.
- access embedded profiles in JPEG, PNG, PSD, TIFF.
It also includes patches for TIFF to retain IPTC, Photoshop and XMP
metadata when saving as TIFF again, read/write TIFF resolution
information correctly, and to correct inverted CMYK JPEG files.
So the support for XMP is limited to TIFF, and only allows XMP information to be retained when a TIFF image is loaded, possibly changed, and saved. The application cannot access or create XMP data.